

  • First response back: Peanut butter, nuts, Primal Jerkey (seiten), freeze-dried fruit. Also, Outdoor Herbivore makes vegetarian and vegan freeze dried meals.
  • I have sent a message out to all my veggie friends. Will let you know when I hear back
  • Are you vegan or just a regular vegetarian? I have a vegan friend that hikes and can ask her
  • No time right now to read through all the responses but here is a link to some recipes. I have tried most of them and they are pretty good. http://paleodietlifestyle.com/salad-dressing-and-vinaigrettes/ Not necessarily low calorie but all clean ingredients
  • It gave my ex-husband god awful gas.
  • I wouldn't worry about going gluten free (even partially) unless you have a gluten sensitivity. That being said, gluten is in a lot of bready/grainy products so if you cut those out that could be helpful. I just don't see the point in eating gluten-free brownies for instance unless you have the intolerance. And gluten free…
  • I have always heard that you should have = amounts of protein and carbs within an hour of working out. I usually have a protein shake and a piece of fruit.
  • For car camping I use a Coleman tent and have never had problems. Backpacking tents are a whole nother story.
  • Where is most of your hiking going to be done. I can give better recommendations if I know.
  • Inclines are still my nemesis. Especially if they are on the steep side. I try to remind myself to slow down and take small steps. And I also tell myself I will make it to a certain tree or rock, and then try to go a few steps past. C Crossfit has helped my endurance alot. I can longer distances between trees. And I am…
  • The crazy b*tch who keeps sending me messages about how I am going to injure myself doing Crossfit.
  • Your pics are amazing. So different than over here in the southeast. ULA's are awesome packs. They just don't fit me good. Can't wait to hear about your backpacking trip.
  • For a long trip probably not until next year unless I can figure out the money thing, then maybe in the fall. The rest of the year will be overnighters more than likely and day hikes.
  • I like Isopure
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsSC2vx7zFQ&feature=plcp Watch this. It's very motivational. I watch this at least once a week.
  • Eventually I would like to do the whole trail. I am not crazy enough to do it all in one year though. I like my creature comforts :) I actually just got back from doing 77 miles up in Virginia. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. So far this year I have done almost 200 miles on the trail.
  • I'll try and remember....lol I doubt I will but if you want to friend me that's cool. Might be easier
  • Seems a little overkill to me. That is A LOT for one work out. 4 exercises for one body part is way too many I think. Maybe try New Rules of Lifting for Women?
  • http://jog.fm/ I go here and find new music to listen to. You can put put in your mph and it will give you music timed for your pace. It has definitely opened my ears to music I would have not heard before. And you can listen to clips of the songs to make sure you like tham
    in Music Comment by jagwab June 2012
  • I just ordered one today so don't have any first hand experience. I am hoping it keeps me motivated to stay active. and reach my goals
  • That looks amazing. I can't wait to get out west and hike one day.
    in Half Dome! Comment by jagwab June 2012
  • Put your big girl/boy panties on and eat them anyways. It's what I had to do. Still don't like them but tolerate most of them as best as I can.
  • Thanks for tip. Going to pick up some peppermint tea when I get back from vacation. For some people that have a sweet tooth planning a treat is a difficult thing to do. Once I start eating my fave sweets there is no stopping me. For some people it is a true addiction.
  • I may carry a piece of fruit or 2 at the beginning of a trip. But when you are having to carry food for 5 and 6 days that gets heavy.
  • I weigh in once a week. Occasionally I weigh in the middle of the week. I personally think that daily is too much. There are too many variables that can affect a daily weigh in.
  • You might want to make your food diary public so people can take a look at it. Food is such a large part of the equation.
  • I personally don't think your sugars are that bad. I mean 16 grams came from an apple. Apples are good for you. Get rid of the Papa Johns though :)
  • I would say lightly active
  • Do burpees at home. It's a full body workout and cardio all in one.
  • I say enjoy your soda at lunch but still drink your 8 glasses of water a day.