

  • How about "nothing tastes as good as HEALTHY feels"? That seems better to me
  • The radio station I work for subscribes to a "show prep" service (basically, it's topical info & stories - cheat sheets for us stupid radio-type didn't think we were actually THAT smart did you? Ha ha!) and this story about Booze & Calories really hit home: I've never been much of a drinker, but if you are THIS…
  • Keep in mind that the quick weight loss could be "water weight" (I dropped 7 pounds in my first week and then leveled out to 2 pounds per week). I've been eating back my burned calories and it seems to be working out for me alright (22 pounds in 9 weeks). As for your last line, "ugh this is hard lol"...yep! You're right!…
  • I've got a Polar F7 was around the $150 (CDN) mark. As long as I've got the chest strap on & it's running in exercise mode, it will monitor my heart rate & keep track of my calories burned.
    in HRM Help Comment by jeffwyeg April 2009
  • Same deal for me...the HRM always shows a higher number of calories burned than what the Elliptical shows - and often it's by upwards of 200 - 250 calories.
  • Scary as it is, that might be right...never ceases to amaze me how unhealthy things can be in a restaurant. Jeff @ YEG
  • And energy drinks...if I had a dime for every kid I've seen with a Red Bull or a Rockstar (or any of the other caffeine-infused crap drinks out there) I'd be a very VERY rich man. As for this: I'm certainly not the one to tell anyone how to raise their kids, but this is exactly what we were talking about before; it's great…
  • I think you've hit the nail right on the head with this're right! When I was a kid, there were just as many perverts/weirdos/etc out there, but I don't think we were as aware of them as we are today, thanks to the constant bombardment of stories about abducted/assaulted children. Although I wonder if - to a…
  • I think you've hit the nail right on the head with this're right! When I was a kid, there were just as many perverts/weirdos/etc out there, but I don't think we were as aware of them as we are today, thanks to the constant bombardment of stories about abducted/assaulted children. Although I wonder if - to a…
  • Honestly, I can't say I'm surprised about this...the radio station I work for is located in West Edmonton Mall & our studios face out into the mall - which is great for people watching. And - I hate to put it like this - but there are a lot of fat kids out there. I see them every single day...they usually have an ice cream…
  • Yeah...I noticed that too with my new :laugh:
  • I'm working the Evening Shift now (3pm-11pm) and I've found that I've had to adjust my entire day "forward". I get up at around 10:30am, eat breakfast at around 11:00, have a small lunch at around 2pm before I leave for work (usually a sandwich or bagel with cream cheese), go work out at around 4:30 or 5 (I'm lucky, my gym…
  • Unfortunately it looks like you'll have to copy & paste the link...I can't seem to get the HTML to work properly on here :mad:
  • I've been very VERY lucky in getting to meet all kinds of celebrities...that's one of the perks of working in radio. I've posted some photos on my Facebook page: Feel free to take a look...and even become my "friend" if you so desire (if you do "Friend…
  • Every radio station I've ever worked at has had someone do the "Herbal Magic" program as part of an advertising campaign (you get the supplements for free, voice the ads and ta-da!). One guy I worked with lost around 50 pounds before his wedding. But as soon as the ad campaign was done and he was going to have to pay for…
  • Congratulations! I know how you feel...there was a time when I dreaded stepping on a scale, but now I look forward to it! I now have confidence when I step on the scale, because I know that due to my hard work and healthier eating, there's going to be a lower number there! Way to go!
  • Follow's the link to the "Marketplace" story from CBC:
  • I've heard the same thing time & time again...our bodies do a fine job all on their own of keeping us clean. I've also heard that the colon cleansing products are a load of crap (pun intended) and are completely unnecessary. In fact, there was a great story about the Dr. Ho program on CBC's "Marketplace" show. I'm sure if…
  • I have to agree with those here that say "trust the HRM"...I've got a Polar F6 HRM - which has a chest strap - and I think that's probably way more accurate than what the elliptical machine I'm using displays. Especially since the machine isn't always taking my heart rate (only if I've got my hands on the sensors).
  • Thanks for totally ruining the fantasy for me...ha ha
  • That works both ways...but I'm betting it's nothing in the womens' locker room like us guys there soft music and lots of steam? :laugh:
  • I haven't had to deal with a "Chatty Cathy" at my gym yet - however, there is one type of person who drives me bonkers in the locker's Mr. "Way-Too-Proud-To-Be-Naked". You know who he is...he walks back from the shower without bothering to wrap a towel around himself and then stands there, letting it all hang out…
  • First off, I'd like to thank everyone who's been checking out my blog on's nice to know that there's someone else interested in what I've been doing :smile: I just posted a new entry...check it out at Thanks!
  • It's amazing what you can accomplish when you really put your mind to it! Congrats on the loss...the journey has only just begun - and what a journey it is :smile:
  • I also just bought one of these things...and I LOOOOVE IT!!! The way I understood the manual, the Heart Rate stuff (Own Zone, etc) doesn't have anything to do with the calorie counter...I think that stuff is just if you want to set limits/targets, etc. Worst case scenario, you set it to "Automatic" and that shoud do it! If…
  • HA HA HA HA HA!!!! :laugh: I've never been more attracted to anyone in my entire life than I am to you right now :wink: Ha ha!
  • Hey...if I can count the calories burned for shovelling snow and dragging a vacuum around the house, you can count the calories burned for playing the Violin, Cello & Piano :happy: I would imagine that playing something any of these instruments would be a bit of a workout...lots of arm & hand motion, right? Count…
  • +1...6 pounds in one week is huge! I lost 7lbs in the first week and since then have been averaging about 2-3 pounds per week. Also, +1 on the post above this one about not stepping on the scale every day...that's the WORST thing you can do! Your body weight will fluctuate on a daily basis (especially with women what with…
  • +1 on that! :smile: I've set 70lbs as my ultimate goal...but my daily goal is to stick to my suggested calorie intake so that I can keep dropping the 2 pounds per week I'd like to lose. One other hint I can give you: whatever you do, do NOT weigh yourself every day! It amazes me the number of people I hear of that do this.…
    in Newbie Comment by jeffwyeg March 2009
  • They don't call it "The Great White North" for nothing! Last night/early this morning, here in Edmonton, we got hit with a wicked little blast of winter. I share a driveway with my neighbour (kind of a "pie-shaped" driveway) and I discovered that if the wind is coming from the right direction, it dumps all the snow in my…