

  • Kemp's Greek Cottage Cheese with pineapple or peaches is my newest healthy favorite!!
  • I just record things like this in the notes. I'm sure there isn't much calorie burn to add from it. I am doing the 30 day plank challenge myself. Started Nov 1st and am up to a 1 min and 30 second plank!
  • sounds like you might need to find new workout buddies who really will motivate and encourage you......
  • I always bring a gallon sized baggie of baby carrots and a gallon sized baggie of grapes. I set them out right next to the chips on our "buffet" table and make sure I take some of each with my meal. At least if I am not eating very healthy I know I had something nutritious on my plate with each meal. And I bring a gallon…
  • I love me some breakfast. My favorites are: 1 cup of Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal with raspberry yougurt. (It's kind of like a parfait with granola) -- about 300 calories or An egg wrap with 2 scrambled eggs, a pinch of shredded cheese, a little brocolli, and an ounce of chicken breast. -- about 400 calories or a whole…