

  • Don't shop anymore! If you have made a decision to lose weight, then make a decision that you refuse to my your current size or bigger size clothes ever again! I know how you feel, I was once a tight size 22. It's a hard road, but very attainable. It's very normal not to move at first, so don't be discouraged!! Remember a…
  • I'm a Personal Trainer in Las Vegas. I'll try to explain this as simply as possible... Simple sugars are one of the two forms of carbohydrates. Simple sugars come in the form of processed/refined sugars which would be found in junk food or in a "natural form which would be found in fruits". Clearly, junk food sugars are…
  • Egg whites, a small wheat tortilla and some salsa! Yummmm! Try different kinds of salsa, I've been in to a peach one lately.. Nice twist :) Or take a 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal and hand beat in 4-5 egg whts. Cook like pancakes (makes two) Either serve with sugar free syrup or a little PBJ and low sugar jelly and roll like a…
  • It's totally normal to have a 'Hungry day" the day after a hard workout!!! :happy:
  • I think the days you work out, hard... you should eat some of the extra given. But not necessarily all of them. And I would only eat the extra acquired from cardio, not the weight training. If your lifting then you might be starting to put on muscle mass. 1 pound of muscle is much smaller in size than 1 pound of fat, so…
  • That's a great one!! Love them on Butter lettuce too!! Also can change it up to an Asian flare. Yummm!
  • A lot of us that chose to be trainers have our own issues with food. I myself decided to become a Personal Trainer because I wanted to help people like myself. I have ups and downs like everyone else, I'm only human after all. I mean would you want to hire a Trainer that didn't understand the struggle to control your food?…