happyatsea9999 Member


  • Thank you Vanessa....I needed that. I too have had some bad days and this morning I stuck it out, went to the gym and did my work out even though I really didnt want to. I sure wasnt feeling it before i went to the gym. I thought of the "Quit" word, your comments helped me to get back to the "Can Do" words.
  • Thanks so much for your response. Yes most of my sugar and fat I try to get from natural sources but there is SO MUCH sugar in even common foods (ie non fat milk, cherry tomatoes, Low sodium V8 juice has 8 gram, even some nuts have sugar tied to them) it is hard to eat 2 fruits a day and stay inside the sugar target. For…
  • I don't have any answers to this, but am very interested in what others may say. The fact that you lost 40 pounds and saw your fasting Glucose drop 14 points is outstanding, really fantastic. I congratulate you on that great success! My last Fasting Glucose was at 114 and I also have family history of Diabetes, with my…