

  • That's wonderful I had to go off prednisone all at once because of stomach bleeding, and was put on Tramadol, but since I work out my joints don't hurt. I notice that if i dont work out for a day my joints will ache the next day lol its one of my other motivators to keep working out :)
  • I have :) I hate some ice cream sunday type thing last night and my hands ache. Thankfully i'm not a sweet tooth person, but when i do eat stuff like that I notice.
  • I was diagnosed celiac when i was about 8 or 9. I went strict gluten free, and through the years i eat some, then get a serious reaction. go strict, then eat some, reaction... lol its a cycle. As i get older it gets worse. When i graduate in MAY!!! (i'm not excited) I will be able to go completely gluten free. When i go…
  • I really should be completely gluten free... However, I live on a campus that has a cafeteria... So most of the food is processed which contains gluten. Like today I had a serving of cheese crackers, when i got done eating them my lips tingled. So I made the mental check of can't eat gluten for a while... If the gluten…
  • I didn't think of a Row machine. :) I will have to try that. I am going to start doing Yoga, and a nursing friend mentioned Pilates. I don't have netflix, but are there any good pilates books?
  • When I stay away from gluten it helps immensely. Along with RA and i also have allergic to gluten. So obviously for me I feel better when i don't eat it. My step-mom is an RN and my dad is a Paramedic and they both said that staying away from gluten can lessen swelling. Even my Rhuematologist mentioned this. I think it all…
  • I was thinking about using an elliptical since it doesn't have the impact as running and such :) I will definitely try the other things you mentioned also :) Thank you
  • Hello :) My name is Samantha and I am a 22 year old Senior in college. I was diagnosed with RA this past September. With the steroids and well just bad eating I have gained weight. The weight I have lost was because of being sick from the meds lowering my immune system... Thankfully my doctor has changed my meds so i now…