

  • Wow, great job! You're beautiful :)
  • Honestly, I don't think breakfast is that important. For me, it only feuls my appetite for the day. I don't get hungry in the morning. I like to work out on an empty stomach and drink water until lunch. Then I like to have a big meal of steamed vegetables then dinner later on. Of course, this is only what I plan to do. My…
  • Hello! DOn't know if I count as a college student, but I'm going to start community college this fall. After I get my bachelor's degree, I am transferring (hopefully) to UCLA, USCD, or USC to study film and costume design. I am 18 years old, 114 lbs, and 5'5". When I tell people this, they say it doesn't sound like a lot,…
  • Hi and welcome I am new too. I am 18 years old and looking to lose around 10 lbs. Good luck with your goals! :)