

  • There is a park close to my office that I use for my workout. I usually will do as many body weight exercises as I can, and then go back to work. I change my shirt, and use extra deodorant as I don't have time, or the facilities to shower. These are supplemental workouts for me, but I find they really help! For example:…
  • I wouldn't stop weight training--that will help you reach your goal much faster then the cardio alone! I would incorporate interval style training, or HIIT sessions as your cardio, as opposed to just steady state. There are many options out there you can google. Be careful reducing your calories too much, because that may…
  • This is a common complaint! You can flatten that area with a proper balance of diet (paying special attention to your sugar, and carbohydrate intake), intense resistance training, and interval style cardio. I am not sure what your current diet, and exercise program includes, but the one simplest changes you can make right…
  • Peanut butter!! Any nut butter, for that matter.