

  • mine is giving me a rash too and i DONT wear it in and around water, even taking it off to wash my hands. I dont use any lotions around the area i wear it and watch how much i sweat under it! it started getting Really smelly and i started washing it weekly! i dont wear it too tight and cant think of any other option then…
  • I ordered my dress may 2! i'd say i currently a size 16, i ordered a 12! it comes October some time! TOO excited! I MUST FIT!!!
  • I for sure want to be at least a size 12! the pic i have up of me in dresses are a size 18 so hopefully i'll be there! gotta get to a 14 by July 18 for second consult!
  • Congrats to all! my wedding date is Jan 17/15 and i'm planning a destination wedding in Jamaica. So not only do I have to picture perfect in my dress I need the bikini body too! I started my journey January 2 of this year and am hoping to lose another 53 pounds! Lost 17 so far! feel free to add me as a friend! and if…
  • feel free to add me! //
  • I have the fit bit force! i'll be you buddy!