alapointe Member


  • Oh no Kristin so sorry to hear that you are going through this horrible rash and then the daycare situation on top of it to boot. You will find someone probably even better than the first. That is what happened to me, it was a blessing even though i didn't know it at the time.
  • Hi everyone, Rach love the hair. Well not sure how long I am going to weigh in for as i have now been restricted to no excercise because we had a little scare with the baby and I am not out of the woods yet, so I can't do anything but watch what i eat. I am being careful and need to watch what i am eating so i remain…
  • Thanks Kristin, i am just laying around not doing anything and hoping all is well. I saw a similiar rash on the TV show Deliver Me. If it itches it will only get worse and is something that developes in the last few weeks before delivery. The only cure for it is deliver, definetly call your Dr about it.
  • Have any of you had spotting after excercising? I walked/jogged a 5k yesterday and today i have a tiny bit of spotting. I called the Dr, and they are seeing me tomorrow, i am just so worried.
  • Hope everyone is doing well today. I just ran and finished my first 5K. I signed up before i knew i was preggers, but I watched my HR and kept it low so my time sucked, but i finished it, which is huge for me. I feel great knowing that i finished.
  • I did it everyone! I finished my first 5K at 40 minutes even. Not my best time, but considering I was battling the morning sickness I consider it an accomplishment that i didn't get sick until I got home. That will be my last one until after the baby is born. Maybe next summer.:smile:
  • Good Morning Ladies, Hang in there Kristin and hope you feel better soon. I am going to try to run a 5K tomorrow, okay more of a job/walk 5k since I need to keep my HR down, but i signed up for it months ago and i want to complete my first 5k. The only problem with this is the morning sickness hits right at the time of the…
  • Wow what a week some of you are having. Hang in there, it can only get better right. I am supposed to run my first 5K tomorrow, but not sure if I am going to make it or not. I have horrible morning sickness from 3am to 12noon and the race is at 8am. I am going to try and i know my time will suck because i have to keep my…
  • Thanks Tam, i have seen you around the posts and you are so inspirational, what a great job. Kristin almost there, anytime now.
  • Thanks Kristin. I think i will just use the weight from when we found out, which was 210, that will make it easier. Just make sure you take it easy and heal before you try to hard to get that weight off. :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for the welcome everyone. Question for all of you though. When do you start counting your weight gain from when you found out, or from your conception date? I was 214 when i concieved, but i am now 205 thanks to the a few weeks of not knowing and continuing to loose, then the last 2 weeks of horrible morning…
  • Good Morning Ladies, I just found out I am 5 weeks pregnant and was hoping I could join the Preggo Platform. This is my second child but a big time frame in between. I have a 6 year old daughter who I adore, and thank goodness she is pretty self reliant, because i am having horrible morning sickness just like the first…
  • I agree, bring really good food, and a book or magazine. Don't bring too much stuff, because with the baby and the samples the hospital gives you it is a lot to carry out when you leave. I wish i had better food when i was there, because you feel fine, and the hospital food is horrible.
  • Great Job fitgal and HMO4.:flowerforyou: I am loosing because the morning sickness is so bad. I am not trying to loose weight, but i am going to count it for as long as i can before the gaining starts. I am still excercising just not as hard and not getting my heart rate too high. If only i could stop being sick, I would…
  • Thanks for the suggestions i will give the ginger tea a try. I refuse to drink any type of soda including ginger ale. I was horribly addicted and kicked the habit last year and i refuse to go back no matter what. I have tried the B6 vitamins with my last pregnancy and they did nothing, i am taking them again but so far no…
  • Thanks everyone. I am going to work closly with my dr to make sure I am doing everything the right way. This time will hopefully be a lot better, but i am just so tired lately. I am still able to run the 5K next weekend, it will probably take me a little longer though since my endurance is not what it was, but i will…
  • The blues must be out having a great weekend, no one seems to be chatting today. Well i have great news! After 5 years of trying I am pregnant with my 2nd child. I am dying to tell people but i am so early we are waiting to tell family and friends, so I decided to tell my on line buddies. I will probably loose more weight…
  • That is so awesome, Congrats! I can't wait to post this myself in the next week or so. Keep up the great work.
  • I think the eggs are good nutritionally for you and if you feel better eating them by all means continue. Maybe switch up something else in your menu instead. I kept my breakfast and dinner the same for the most part and just changed out my lunch to get this result.
  • Just my experience, but i have been eating the same menu for the last couple of months, and i changed it up this past week, more salad and veggies, and i have dropped 5 lbs in 9 days. My personal opinion is yes your body does get used to it, so you need to change it up a bit every once in a while. I was consistenly loosing…
  • My daughter started back to school and walking her in, one of the mom's who i have not seen in 2 months, said Wow you look awesome. Made my day today!!!! (Of course it helped i was wearing what i like to call my skinny outfit) It makes me look thin.
  • I don't have any good recipes, but bumping so i can steal all of yours. These are awesome.
  • You can't really spot reduce, but i have had a little success with holding a 12.5 pound weight with both hands above my head and putting it down behind my back and lifting it back above my head. It is called a tricep extention. You can google it and it will show you how to do it properly.
  • That's okay Fitgal, here is to a brand new week to tackle our demons.:flowerforyou: Hang in there, we all have our bad times.
  • Wow you are so close to that wonderful 1 number. GO YOU!!!!! Can't wait to see it.:wink:
  • I know exactly what you mean, the numbers mean the world to me, even though i don't eat my excercise calories, i still want to see high numbers. It is frustrating when they keep getting lower and lower as i loose weight and i have to work harder to get those high numbers.
  • Great Job that is awesome!:flowerforyou:
  • I hate chicken on the bone. For some reason it really grosses me out. I only eat skinless, boneless breast of chicken.
  • How are you doing today? Better I hope!
  • HMO- you will have a better day today, I am sure of it. I am sending you good vibes to get you through. I remember those days and I really feel for you. Just remember that this too shall pass and hopefully soon will only be a memory.:flowerforyou: