

  • I'm trying a 1.5 a week, but would be very happy to lose 1 lb....and increase cardio indurance and strength at the same time. I would very much like to have my physician tell me that 52 lbs is too much. (My secret dream fantasy.)
  • I just had my 45th birthday. I'm in remission from Non-Hodkin's Lymphoma, and I realized I've been given a gift of health. I don't want to waste it. I should theoretically lose about 70 pounds (according to some generic height to weight ratio scale), but I would be so proud of myself if I could lose 40 pounds and maintain…
  • I'm sorry you haven't lost any pounds..but have you noticed a difference in how you feel???
  • I started seeing today. When I stopped eating my turkey sandwich because I was full. I didn't need the other half. It wasn't a conscious decision. I purposely only got the sandwich for lunch because I wanted to skip the chips and fries....I expected to eat it all and then go back to work to end my lunch with a clementine.…