

  • In your State, and particularly in your County, allowing a dog to run at large off of the owner's property, is an infraction and in some instances it is indeed criminal. What some of these people that think dogs are more important that humans don't stop and think about is the fact that it's better that the dog get a dose…
  • Let's also ban going out for a walk because that's not strenuous enough. Anything less than a 300 calorie burn is not exercise. Now that the sarcasm is out of the way... You have to move and you have to eat. What you put into your pie hole is 80 percent of weight loss (figures not verified.) Maybe the people who log light…
  • I agree with Petiterunn. Be good most of the time and a little slip now and then won't hurt that long as the little slip isn't an entire pizza. I'll catch myself "sneaking" from time to time but I'm still mindful of what I'm putting in my pie hole. My downfall is adult beverages. Stay with it and you'll get to…
  • North Central Indiana here