lets ban light house cleaning from mfp



  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    why is it always a man on here trying to say cleaning isn't work/worth logging?? hmmmm

    Because 99.9% of the male population has never picked up a broom in their life. The other .1% are single fathers [mommy & daddy]

    yes that was the point I was inadvertently making. I always want to ask, have you ever cleaned a bathroom top to bottom? toilet, tub, sink, floors? baseboards? If not (and probably not) shut the hell up.

    That being said I don't log cleaning but it can be a workout. I realize he is speaking of light cleaning. But my point still being made, it's always a man complaining about people who log cleaning.

    I don't log cleaning.....then I don't log my reward glass of wine or two after. It all evens out in the end. :happy:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Cleaning is great exercise...I do stairs (2 flights when doing laundry), squats (spot cleaning the wall/floors), lunges (putting clothes away), I bust my *kitten* when I'm cleaning the tub and toilet...scrubbing is a hard work out on the arms and lower back. Mopping floors is a full body work out. I'm sweating bombs, and damn tired in the three hours it takes to clean my house...even if it is light or moderate effort, I'm still doing stairs, hauling heavy baskets, and someone has to put that *kitten* away! So no, we should not eliminate house cleaning as exercise!
  • let's ban judging other peoples choices under the guise of "helping" them.

  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    I partly agree. Everyone is free to define their own exercise but personally doing daily tasks such as cleaning, washing hair and taking a shower doesn't usually go into my exercise diary. It just gives me an excuse to eat more which is going to hurt my progress more then help it. I usually dont even put down walks. Now my HIIT, strength training and Kickboxing definitely make it in there! When I can remember to log it lol.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    hahaha.....Yeah i think its crazy. Take away burning calories by cooking a meal. Those are everyday things. Unless you are going out and actually catching your meal then it shouldn't count.
  • Let's also ban going out for a walk because that's not strenuous enough. Anything less than a 300 calorie burn is not exercise.

    Now that the sarcasm is out of the way...

    You have to move and you have to eat. What you put into your pie hole is 80 percent of weight loss (figures not verified.) Maybe the people who log light house work as exercise have been so unmotivated for so long and they're just now trying to change things up. Good for them. That light house work is going to turn into a walk or a jog or Zumba.

    Let's encourage one another instead of calling the people who don't work out as hard as someone else lazy.
  • Melyssaks
    Melyssaks Posts: 69 Member
    good luck on that. Just curious, why do you care what others log? Does it affect you in some way?

    Exactly what I was thinking...The point of having MFP is to be supportive but criticize. Heck if it gives them motivation to get off the couch and do something productive who cares if they add a couple extra calories to their diet (the amount of calories you get doing light cleaning is so small it doesn't really matter anyway).

    For some people who are larger just getting up and walking around the room/ bending up can be tough work. I compliment them for anything they're doing to make their life style better, no matter how small.
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    why is it always a man on here trying to say cleaning isn't work/worth logging?? hmmmm

    Because 99.9% of the male population has never picked up a broom in their life. The other .1% are single fathers [mommy & daddy]

    yes that was the point I was inadvertently making. I always want to ask, have you ever cleaned a bathroom top to bottom? toilet, tub, sink, floors? baseboards? If not (and probably not) shut the hell up.

    That being said I don't log cleaning but it can be a workout. I realize he is speaking of light cleaning. But my point still being made, it's always a man complaining about people who log cleaning.

    I don't log cleaning.....then I don't log my reward glass of wine or two after. It all evens out in the end. :happy:

    LOL I don't always log the wine I drink either. you're right there.
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    Every BITE, LICK and TASTE you take counts when tracking your food because a "calorie is a calorie is a calorie"...wouldn't burning them work the same?
  • Cleaning is great exercise...I do stairs (2 flights when doing laundry), squats (spot cleaning the wall/floors), lunges (putting clothes away), I bust my *kitten* when I'm cleaning the tub and toilet...scrubbing is a hard work out on the arms and lower back. Mopping floors is a full body work out. I'm sweating bombs, and damn tired in the three hours it takes to clean my house...even if it is light or moderate effort, I'm still doing stairs, hauling heavy baskets, and someone has to put that *kitten* away! So no, we should not eliminate house cleaning as exercise!

    THANK YOU!!!
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    Three cheers for reviewing the original post, then giggling and clicking on the last page of replies to see how ridiculous the conversation has gotten. :drinker: :heart:

    One of my favorite activities. :drinker:
  • kristina509
    kristina509 Posts: 43 Member
    ANY activity you do outside of your normal "lifestyle" activity does your body good and counts for calories. The reason it doesn't do you any good is because you do it daily...that isn't the case for someone who leads a more sedentary lifestyle and doesn't clean their house daily.

    This is the reason so many people on here keep their information private...too many people who are hurting instead of helping and encouraging.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Nooo don't ban it!

    People will be fat AND live in a dirty house. Why would you want that?
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    Have you ever tried to climb the steps of a lighthouse? Not even thinking about mopping each step as you go and scrubbing the walls! Anyone who has committed to lighthouse cleaning has undertaken a serious task and you should be ashamed for making...er...light of their work!

  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Wow, I bet it's fun to be YOUR friend. WTF do you care what someone else considers exercise? Frankly I NEVER clean my own house, I pay someone to do it. So those rare times when I do a deep clean I have worn my HRM and I do break a sweat. Of course I'm a fat@ss so what's strenuous and burns calories for me probably wouldn't do a thing for someone as fit and awesome as yourself.

    It's actually quite fun being his friend :D
    I see his point and I see yours also. The bigger problem is the fact you got so worked up over a silly post
    Also light housecleaning does not do anything calories burned wise bc if it had I would be in great shape because I clean a mean house DAILY!

    So if I run 5 miles a day a shouldn't count that as exercise? Great logic.

    Of course not. What you do every day is just part of your LIFE, not exercise! ;-P You only get to log stuff you don't do all the time. Or maybe it's stuff the judges think is "real" exercise...it can get pretty complicated. So just assume that we should ban logging as exercise anything you do daily or almost daily.... ;-X Because that "does not do anything burned calorie wise." I guess the researchers who said otherwise are just not as smart as the people at MFP, what with all those doctorates and all...

    Levine, J.A., Eberhardt, N.L., and Jensen, M.D., Role of Nonexercise Activity Thermogenesis in Resistance to Fat Gain in Humans. Science, 8 January 1999, pp. 212-214.
  • Bump to all the posters who disagree with judging other people's exercise logs.
  • I have 4 kids, sometimes all I get a chance to do is LIGHT house cleaning, with twin toddlers running behind me messing it up all over again. I could say, **** it, and sit my big *kitten* on the couch all day and live in filth....but I get up, I do it...and I burn SOMETHING. Too bad chasing twins isn't listed, I'd log that **** too. LOL
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 243 Member
    why is it always a man on here trying to say cleaning isn't work/worth logging?? hmmmm

    Because 99.9% of the male population has never picked up a broom in their life. The other .1% are single fathers [mommy & daddy]

    yes that was the point I was inadvertently making. I always want to ask, have you ever cleaned a bathroom top to bottom? toilet, tub, sink, floors? baseboards? If not (and probably not) shut the hell up.

    That being said I don't log cleaning but it can be a workout. I realize he is speaking of light cleaning. But my point still being made, it's always a man complaining about people who log cleaning.

    I don't log cleaning.....then I don't log my reward glass of wine or two after. It all evens out in the end. :happy:

    LOL I don't always log the wine I drink either. you're right there.

    I definitely don't log my wine, mainly because I forget to. :drinker:
  • sailinjen
    sailinjen Posts: 103 Member
    Susie q...lmao!!! Sex in the shower burns tons of calories....I heard!!!!
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    I sit down at a desk all day Mon-Fri 7am-4pm. Most of the time I get no exercise at all in. So on weekends when I spend the day busting butt and cleaning house, I do log that as calories burned. I feel that the amount of calories burned that MFP shows on the site is a little excessive, so I usually log half the time I actually cleaned. I do not log daily laundry, dishes, etc. I only log when I actually get a good cleaning in, such as mopping floors, cleaning the entire house or something that is not a normal daily routine.

    But, to each his/her own.....it doesn't matter what we log and what we don't. If we are not putting in the effort to eat right and move our bodies, the scale won't move. So it shouldn't matter what someone logs. I can log calories burned everyday, but if I'm not actually burning them, then I'm the one who fails and pays the price.
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