lets ban light house cleaning from mfp



  • Meloonie
    Meloonie Posts: 144 Member
    Burning calories is burning calories. For some, it's very helpful and motivational to be able to see that even everyday activities like light housecleaning are still better than sitting around doing nothing. Knowledge is power.

  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    You never truly know another person's story. Remember this.
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    Does it make you feel better to belittle others? Just because your opinion differs from that of others, doesn't make yours right. If it irks you this badly that one of your "friends" logs this, then just remove them from your list. SMH
  • carlie_carl
    carlie_carl Posts: 285
    not peeing on anyones bonfire but you can actually burn up to 200kcal by taking a cold shower for 3 minutes :-)
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    why is it always a man on here trying to say cleaning isn't work/worth logging?? hmmmm

    Because 99.9% of the male population has never picked up a broom in their life. The other .1% are single fathers [mommy & daddy]
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Besides, in my opinion... calories out are calories out... whether it's standing when you could be sitting, cleaning when you could be sitting, or running a marathon when you could be sitting...
  • kassia1687
    kassia1687 Posts: 24 Member
    Jeez...if we are going to ban light house cleaning then we should ban sitting on your butt reading other peoples workouts & gossiping about it on the message boards! lol Leave people to figure out their weight loss on their own...just worry about your own and all will be fine :) CHEERS!
  • zoodalia
    zoodalia Posts: 294
    Shall we also dictate what other people do, and make them feel rubbish for making a positive change in their life?

    Today I spent three hours fixing my car, fixing my parents' car and then cleaning my car inside and out... I added it as '1 hour, light effort', but I sure as Hell burnt more calories than that. I didn't stop for one minute to think people might be judging me!

    Maybe you should spend less time speculating about what other people are doing and more time focusing on your own goals.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Burning calories is burning calories. For some, it's very helpful and motivational to be able to see that even everyday activities like light housecleaning are still better than sitting around doing nothing. Knowledge is power.

    Agreed!! Especially for those who may have some type of disability and cannot workout in the traditional sense; these small activities may be the only "exercise" they can achieve so why not let those activities count?? All is fair and no holds barred in tracking calories burned!! A calorie burned is a calorie burned no matter the method! :happy:

    Even better, instead of "letting them count" how about we acknowledge that they actually DO count?!?

  • I_GoT_ThIs
    I_GoT_ThIs Posts: 170 Member
    Lets ban the slow walking then too.. because people are lazy, and you walk everyday.. so why should you get to log that? omg are you serious? There are ALOT of people that don't ever HAVE to clean so someone that does that on a daily basis, get's that little extra calorie burn than people who don't ever have to clean don't. Your not the MFP God that gets to decide who can log what. If they put it in the database... then obviously it's there for a reason. It's not your job to "HELP OTHERS HELP THEMSELVES" by criticizing what they log!
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    Have you ever tried to climb the steps of a lighthouse? Not even thinking about mopping each step as you go and scrubbing the walls! Anyone who has committed to lighthouse cleaning has undertaken a serious task and you should be ashamed for making...er...light of their work!

  • ElectricMayhem
    ElectricMayhem Posts: 214 Member
    here OP...take this pill...

    it's part of the "get over yourself" diet.

    Love this!!
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    How many calories can I burn for being judgmental?

  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    I disagree with banning it, BUT I get the OP's point. When people log every little thing they do, rack up a big calorie deficit, eat their calories back, and then are disappointed that they aren't losing, and then they ask for input on their diary. It's hard to say to someone, stop logging every time you stand up.

    I understand why people over-log, though, because I did it when I first joined MFP. It's just cool to see how much energy I expend in a day. It makes me feel productive. However, the way I look at it, if it was something I was already doing when I was "fat," it isn't going to help me lose weight. I need to log only the activity that goes beyond what I was already doing as a normal part of my life. If i was already vacuuming a few times week when I was fat, those calories don't go in. Otherwise, I'll never create the calorie deficits I need.

    Maybe we just need one really good, pinned thread that explains this so that when the question comes up, "Why am I not losing weight when I expend 4000 calories a day breathing and walking to the bathroom?" we can refer people to it. Probably not worth banning it, though.
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    why is it always a man on here trying to say cleaning isn't work/worth logging?? hmmmm

    Because 99.9% of the male population has never picked up a broom in their life. The other .1% are single fathers [mommy & daddy]

    yes that was the point I was inadvertently making. I always want to ask, have you ever cleaned a bathroom top to bottom? toilet, tub, sink, floors? baseboards? If not (and probably not) shut the hell up.

    That being said I don't log cleaning but it can be a workout. I realize he is speaking of light cleaning. But my point still being made, it's always a man complaining about people who log cleaning.
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    Think of a person that may be disabled in some way and cannot go and run or lift weights. If that is the exercise they can do, then they should have every right to log it. It is also a motivator for people to just get up and get moving, myself included. Plus, honestly, it does burn quite a bit of calories, especially vacuuming. I can't find it, but there was a Blog post about how vacuuming and running for a similar amount of time burn similar calories (HRM on).
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    When I first started here, I was over 400 lbs, and "light house cleaning" left me in a sweat with back pain so severe I could cry. It's not about whether or not it's work for YOU, it's about whether or not it's work for the person doing it. I know you think you were being funny, but really, you were belittling and ridiculing the efforts of others. I don't enter "light house cleaning" anymore unless I've gone on an hour-long sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming binge that leaves me sweating. Otherwise, that's not exercise for ME anymore. But it is for someone, and I'm not about to giggle at them and tell them that their efforts aren't worthy of consideration.

    You should try that.

    This. A hundred thousand ga-jillion times, this.
  • kaleynichol
    kaleynichol Posts: 14 Member
    What if you're not alone in the shower but didn't want to post what you were actually doing in there?

    Ultimate FTW!!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I don't clean my apartment, ever. I pay someone to come in once a week and do that for me, I call it my "mental health extravagance" so if, for some horrific reason, I did actually have to vacuum or, Heaven forbid, clean the bath, I'd strap on that damn HRM and log it.
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