stephlayne Member


  • I have both a cuisinart juicer ad a nutribullet and I loooove the nutribullet soooo much more. There isn't waste so you don't har to use $10 worth of ingredients in one juice and its super easy to clean. I usually just make my own concoctions. Today I had kale on the bottom, raspberries, half a pear, and orange, two tbsp…
  • It is really up to you if it counts. When you drink just plain water it takes only seconds for your body to obsorb it, but when you add anything to it, it must go through your entire digestive system. They say you need 8 glasses a day, but it is actually less than that because most of your drinks and a lot of your food…
  • Your goals seem a bit high, but do stretch for them! On average you are only going to lose about 1-2 lb a week and the 2 lb a week will be in the beginning due to water weight. I would probably give yourself about 5 lb a month if you want to be on a safe healthy track. I just know from personal experience, I wanted to lose…
  • This is WONDERFUL! I wish I could get my high school students to be so passionate! They seem to just lose any and all interest in anything healthy after I am done teaching it for the day... Congrats for starting them young! That is the key!
  • I usually don't have anytime for breakfast so I just buy those Carnation Breakfast Essentials and some low calorie soy milk and BAM. It take a minute to make, a minute to drink down, it's only 200 calories and you are getting a ton of vitamins and minerals! I know since I have drinking them my stomach will start SCREAMING…
  • I just bought a Sportline from Best Buy (it was $60) and it is TERRIBLE. It says I burn a calorie every minute and a half and does not seem to measure increased heart rates at all. I was using my Wii Active 2 (which has a heart rate monitor to calculate calorie loss) and it said I had burned 276, but when I looked at my…
  • I tried the Biggest Loser Challenge game and really did not like it. It wasted so much time between workouts that you couldnt get your heart rate up. I also tried Wii Zumba, but it definitely wasn't worth the money, the DVD's are much more affective. I decided to trade both games in on Amazon for Wii EA Active 2 and I LOVE…
  • EA 2 ROCKS! I started my weight loss using the Biggest Loser Challenge and I HATED it! It was really obnoxious and not a very good work out. I traded the BL game into Amazon for EA 2 and have already lost 8 pounds in last two weeks! Just do the big 64 challenge and do it. It really works well with MFP!!!