josh0403 Member


  • I’ll tell you what I DON’T: Anything different than what I’ve done during training. If they are handing out GU’s, and I’ve only trained with Hammergels, I don’t use the GU. But: Day of race, I usually take a gel at the starting line. Then, every 45-60 minutes. Try to time them right before a water stop. Instead of a gel, I…
  • I have used Roctane before – no issues. However, I have had “distress” during halfs/fulls when I use too much (hey – they’re just giving the stuff away during the race!). Any effects of the GU certainly wouldn’t last 24 hours. You know what would though? Regular old run-of-the-mill food poisoning, which you could have…
  • I would look at this as an opportunity to do some different exercise routines. Free weights are great, so is ab work. You might find you really enjoy it and work it into your regular routines. Without knowing anything about your injury, I don't think anyone can suggest stretches, tips, etc. (My knee gives me trouble when…
  • I've run three full marathons (and dozens of half marathons) and in all my training and running I've experienced exactly 0 "runner's highs." I did get dizzy once after running which felt pretty good. But I think it had to do with giving blood the week before.
  • I've got a pair of Knuckle Lights that I use which work great. Also I usally clip a small flashing LED to the back waistband (I think it's Nathan brand).
  • Chicago in October. Probably do Fargo again next year.
  • Hey bud.
  • I take a cheap engraver and carve my finishing time on the back of my medals.
  • I'm sure the marathon rookie program will work, but I don't think I'd use it. Weeks 3, 4, and 5 take the long run from 6 to 8 to 10 miles. That some seriously big jumps. Plus, you don't get any "step-back" weeks to recover. I'm used to more like 6, 7, 4, 9, 10, 6. Those recovery weeks really help me out. Finally, a three…
  • Hal Higdon has a few 10K training programs on his site. The beginner one tops off at 3+2+5 = 10 miles a week. (The advanced level looks to be more like 25)
  • I have used the Hal Higdon programs for 3 half marathons and 2 fulls and they work great for me. I’m just starting the half program again for the Fargo Marathon in May. The good news is you’re right on schedule! The first “long” run in Higdon’s program is 5 miles. Higdon slowly moves you up if you follow the program. And…
  • I wasn't implying that to run faster, a person only needs to lose weight! Consider this: Strap a 25 pound backpack on and run a mile. Now take it off and run another mile. Which is faster? Given the same level of training, you'll run faster when carrying less weight. As I'm training for another marathon, I find it…
  • I think you've got to do at least one 20. I'm a Hal Higdon training plan follower, and that what he calls for. I heard it said that 20 miles is the half-way point in a marathon and I agree. That last 6.2 is as hard as the first 20! One note though: You really need to plan ahead for water on a 20 mile run. I stash TWO water…
  • You get any hits on this? My friend list is a little low... As in, one...