kt1986p Member


  • That's really good well done, I'm trying just need to stop being lazy instead of enjoying the peace at nap time I need to start moving!!!! Please say it gets easier haha
  • Only on day 2 but my good, love it thank you for all your pictures really helps seeing other success stories !!! Gives me incentive to do it and stick to it, any help, my calfs are killing, to the point where I had to stop 3 times walking up the sand dune ( never stopped before) do I continue through the pain or rest??…
  • I started insanity today too, I'm 5f 2 and weigh 170lbs (before baby 140), looked around as I thought the same and from what I can see its between 500/600 , but depends on so many factors ! ! How did you find the fit test, I struggled to walk up the stairs after haha
  • Had my 'baby ' 18 months ago and been on and off diets since, lost 14 pounds so far but most of that was straight after birth, I'm now back on my strict regime , whenever I have a 'cheat day' it lasts for weeks/months!!! Got another 30/35 lbs to lose but gonna get exercising more this time around !!! Any one able to…
  • Just started today , man I'm unfit haha legs are killing, can't do it all but giving it my all - anyone have any good diet tips they'd be so welcome!! Finding eating five 300calories meals a day hard, specially with a little one, tend to grab and go, !!
  • Just started insanity !! Oh my lord , trying to carry my baby up the stairs - felt like crying haha !!! But as they say no pain no gain!!! Hoping my motivation stays ,
    in Round Two!!! Comment by kt1986p May 2013