

  • Are a lot of your calories from vegetables and fibre? I have only been doing this site for two weeks, but I have gone through big weight fluctuations before (lost 60lbs, and then over time and pregnancy slowly let it all creep back on). What I have learned about myself in the past, and what I have been focusing on since I…
  • Congratulations! I am new here, so it's great to read inspiring stories! I don't have access to a gym, so I am trying to find creative ways around the house to excersize. I do 1 minute long sprints up and down my stairs, and squats, jogging in place while watching TV, that sort of thing. I know it's not as effective as a…
  • Thanks! I will definately check out the web link! And I have heard about the African Mango, just haven't ever talk to anyone who has ever tried it. And I know the carbs and sugars do a number on the body, but it's so hard! I love carbs! But alas, I know they need to take a less prominant role in my daily diet. *sigh!*
  • Thanks everyone for the great advice! I appreciate the feedback for sure! I don't actually eat a lot of processed food, we do a lot of cooking from scratch. The gluten is a good suggestion. I like the idea of kicking the sugar carb cravings too, that would be helpful. I guess the bottom line is just going to be the time,…
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