

  • Diet bars tend to have more calories than one may need. You might save calories if you eat a salad with some tuna on it instead. Keep up the good work, and keep trying new things until you find out what works :)
  • I agree with ghanie, maybe 200 calories is okay depending on what your daily calorie count is. For example if you are on 1200 calories a day then eating an exrta 200 calories will still allow you to lose weight. Remember the more active your livestyle the more calories you need. An active life style does not always mean…
  • My sons use to play soccer 4 nights a week, which made it really hard to work out. So I started to walk around the field while they were playing. This allowed me to burn extra calories and stopped me from sitting around. The best part was that I got to actually see more of the game. I don't know what sport your son plays,…
  • If you look up under cardio the following "Strength training (weight lifting, weight training) " you will find one that counts calories. I tend not to use the strenght training log since while I am lifting weights my cardio is still high.
  • I work out harder on the weekends to allow me some extra calories. At the very least I can maintain my wieght even if I don't lose any! Good luck, week ends are the hardest.