julia_v1 Member


  • Thanks for sharing - I will check them out
  • Today was slow cooker beef day with onion, carrots and tomatoes - the beef was marinaded overnight in Teriyaki sauce and cooked on low for 8 hours - smells great and nothing to do but eat now I'm back home. Probably going to have it with either rice or a few potatoes - depends how I feel later.
  • Today I did 7573 steps...still some of the day to go!
  • Adding 10 to my cycling :smile:
  • Totally forgot I'd signed up for this but joining in today Sept 22nd so better late than never. Starting weight - 154 Challenge Goal Weight - 144 (doing it in small steps - if i manage 20 that will be great and if i reach 144 I will amend my goal but for now, small steps) Todays Weight - 154 (maintaining which is always…
  • Hello everyone, I would definitely like to lose 20 lbs by Christmas and think it's totally possible (where have I heard that phrase before - sigh) BUT if you're not in it to win it then all it becomes is a phrase and an empty promise...and that's why we have these fab groups. Looking forward to losing the pounds with some…
  • Yes, there's something about ground beef that always makes you want to brown it up first. Let us know how the recipe worked out for you @vanillarose77 and welcome to the group!
  • Count me in please :-)
  • Great news - congrats
    in Winner!!!! Comment by julia_v1 June 2015
  • Congrats on some great losses
  • Just wanted to pop by the blue team and say hi. Amazing losses you guys - keep it going :smile:
    in BLUE Team Comment by julia_v1 May 2015
  • Hey there - sorry I've been MIA this time around. I'm usually really active when I'm part of a group but there's been a lot going on and a change of jobs which is taking up a lot of my time - so many new things to learn. I'm keeping a log on the weight loss spreadsheet (holding steady which I'm amazed at) but haven't much…
    in RED Team Comment by julia_v1 May 2015
  • Still haven't tried this - does anyone know if this works or if it's a disaster?
  • Hello team mates! Sorry not had much time to be active in here, got a lot going on but I've added my weight loss in lieu of tomorrow's weigh-in to the spreadsheet. I will try and be more active in the coming weeks work dependant. You're all doing great. Back soon when I have access to my computer. Have a great weekend.
    in RED Team Comment by julia_v1 March 2015
  • Thank you...the challenge really pushed me to get moving. Everyone did so well...I have the advantage of the good weather so I can do a lot more than you guys right now :)
  • Where did the time go...it's been a fab journey. Changing and mixing up my workouts is my next plan of attack as I think my body has started to get used to the same routine.
  • Sorry to hear about your health issues you can only do your best under circumstances like that but you're still here with us so every little counts :). It's so tricky when it's cold too, body needs more fuel to keep warm so that's important too. You've done so well with this challenge and everything you have done is a…
  • Astraea - definitely try the hot tea if you're having trouble with water - not easy when it's cold. The herbal teas are much better these days so if you've not tried them in a while and want a rest from caffeine it's worth having a look - I can recommend my current favorite by Celestial Seasonings - Honey Vanilla Chamomile…
  • Sorry not been in here much lately - been a bit busy and super tired. Hate TOM - Just coming off my monthly visitor - my whole system goes into complete meltdown. I'd like to say I'm looking forward to the day it stops but not so sure how the next phase will be (sigh). Some months are better than others but sometimes…
  • Have a great week everyone :)
  • Congrats go to team mate Astraea05 for keeping our team in the top 3 winners in Round 4 for her fab loss. Round 5 here we come!
  • That's a grand total indeed - go team :)
  • It's a deal - I just need to get rid of a few more Birthday choccies *LOL* but I've been really good and factored them into my daily count and like you tried to work off anything. Is anyone thinking of joining the challenge in March?
  • It's Weigh-in Wednesday - up or down, good or bad make yourself accountable and move forward in a different way or if it's working keep on at it. Looking forward to seeing everyone's results. I have maintained the whole way. I would have been happy to see a movement but maintenance is just as hard even though I've been at…
  • Big fanfare and congratulations go to our very own team mate BuddhaMom74 who was in the top three weight loss champions this round with a 1.77% loss. Well done for hanging in there and great result. Keep going ladies...can we keep the MFP CC team in the top 3 winners list next time around too.
  • Fact Friday: Most people don't have any idea how many calories are in a pound of body weight. But that's a crucial number to know when you're trying to lose weight, and it puts all the discussion of calorie balancing and creating a calorie deficit in perspective. One pound of body weight is equal to 3,500 calories. Gaining…
  • Are you trying to access groups on your iPad via the MFP app? Is so there is no option that enables you get to groups in the app. However, I use an iPad and if you log into MFP via your browser - works like a dream, you can access everything and look at groups as well as check the group spreadsheets. The only thing you…
  • Wonderful work and congratulations go to our Round 2 Winners - Astraea05 with a weight loss of 1.50% and dillyg08 with 1.38% - loving the fact our group was in the top three losers. You are stars and very inspiring.
  • Wonderful goals ladies. Rooting for you all :D
  • You can do it mmqueen. Believe :) So ladies we're on the final month of the challenge. What have you learnt from Jan and do you have plans to tackle Feb differently? What's your game plan? For me:- Jan is tough coming off the back of all the holiday celebrations and then it's my Birthday month too. I still have a lot of…