

  • Reading through this thread i kept reading. "how hard it is/was". I've lost 22 lbs since Christmas and it hasn't been hard at all. Another 13 to go. Mtfitnesspal educated me regarding portions and choices. 1200 cals a day is quite easy. Once down, 1750 cals a day in winter and 2250 a day in summer will be a breeze. My…
  • Telling you to eat more... So you look like them, is easier than them telling themselves to eat less... To look like you. In todays world, thin and in shape isn't the norm. So what, i never try to be the norm. I haven't owned a cell phone in over a decade. People like to think they're normal and you need to be like them.…
  • celery or pickles.... both low cal.
  • Like atkins... prolly WORKS - but won't stay off - because you haven't really fixed the problem that caused the weight in the first place. I've dropped 1 lb a day on Atkins.. gee - probably 5 times in the past 10 years!? Each time - great success, each time came right back. This time I did atkins for 10 days - dropped 10…