balthahm Member


  • Couch to 5K is a great place to start! I've used Jeff Galloway's and Hal Higdon's beginner half marathon training plans and they are both great. I think they assume you can run a 5k and then they take it from there. If you're not opposed to walk breaks, Galloway is the way to go, IMO. I think the Higdon plans are a little…
  • What sort of shoes are you wearing? If they're a 'minimalist' type or anything with a low heel rise it can feel like every step is a calf press. Lots of people need a loooooong time to get used to that type of shoe since we spend our days in things with bigger heels. Otherwise, foam roller!! I got mine at Target :)…
  • I'll add you! I'm new to the forums and I have never logged much on here as far as running, but I run a ton and I'm having issues with weight gain while training for the Goofy Challenge. Always looking for friends for motivation & support! ~helen