I'm in the second week of it now, but we could all use any support we can get!
Just started Week 2 of Round 1! I need all the support I can get!
Dude, you're 23! Take time to let life come to you. Stop trying to force the issue, and don't be in such a rush. If you're starting to feel desperate, you're going to give off that vibe, and women will avoid you like the plague. Take your time and let life (and love) come to you.
I'm on the 3rd week of Phase 3. I've done workouts 11 and 12, and just completed Cardio 3 (again) this morning.
I'm in the "empty stomach, protein drink afterwards" crowd. I get up at 4 AM and start working out by 4:30. I'd feel nauseous if I had something on my stomach while doing these workouts.
Modify, modify, modify! Don't squat as deeply, use lighter weights, or both. Build up to where you want to be. Even repeat a week if you have to.
I can understand the low self-esteem issues because of your life history; but I don't understand the leap to believing that being confident is selfish. That's a non sequitur if I've ever heard one. Please explain.
I'm kind of wondering if this relationship was doomed from the very beginning...
Nope, I'd just invite that person to get up at 4:00 the next morning to work out with me. Let 'em take a look at that "pill."
I'm not a psychologist, nor do I play one on TV, but here goes anyway. I think people who are not supportive, or seem to always want to sabotage what you're doing, do so because of something that they fear or feel inadequate about themselves. For instance, if those people are overweight or have an unhealthy lifestyle,…
Agreed, don't do it if you're serious about your marriage. More often than not, if a person is taking it that far, he/she is looking for something more.
Zooey Deschanel, Shakira, and Esti Ginzburg.
He: I need to find me some new pu$$y. She: If you had a couple more inches of d*ck, you'd find some new pu$$y here! -- Richard Pryor
Up at 4 to be done working out by 5; showered, dressed, and out the door by 6.
Now this cracked me up! :laugh:
I workout between 4 and 4:30, and it's only a couple sips of water before for me.
No, I don't schedule it. I just get up and do it - 4 AM on weekdays and 1-2 hours later on Saturdays.
Yep, that's my plan. I start JMBR Phase 3 next week, and after that it's on to Insanity. I already have the DVDs.
When my mom died last year because of weight-related health issues. I determined right then and there that I wasn't going out like that.
People started noticing around the 20 pound mark. You could see it in my face, and my clothes were fitting much looser. Everybody notices now.
I get up at 4:00 every weekday morning so that I can start the workout by 4:30. I usually eat within an hour of working out. There's too much going on at home after work with the family and all, and if I don't do it right away, I could find excuses not to do it. I avoid all that by working out in the morning before I go to…
So far, so good. The workouts are challenging, but I've been able to do them; and they change often enough not to get bored. I'm seeing results, so that helps too!
I'm doing it. Starting Phase 2 tomorrow.
I just finished Phase 1 yesterday, and you guys all have me cracking up! I guess guys look at things in a different way! Sari just makes me laugh. I found myself thinking that her backside was surprisingly shapely. "Come and get some!" Anita's just a little too prim and proper for my taste. Mimi is fun, but the way she was…
I'm starting Phase 2 tomorrow, so I have a pretty good handle on who everyone is. With that being said, there's something about Haley that really makes her appeal to me. I also like Natalie, and Teri Anne is starting to grow on me. So Sari is the dark-haired girl's name, huh? She can sure shake that behind, though!