TudorRose Member


  • Somewhat confused. (Bear of very little brain)
  • You think I kid? I have to ask my mother how to turn the oven on each time I use it. My idea of a recipe book is a take away menu. I DREAD learning to cook
    in QUICK!!! Comment by TudorRose March 2009
  • BeGorgeous- I just noticed your profile says you hate people who make promises they don't keep. What are marriage vows but the biggest promise you'll ever make? Can I suggest counselling for you and your husband? Together and individually. I don't say this to be insulting, but as you have children together, you really…
  • Buy packet of cookies. Open packet. Arrange on plate :laugh:
    in QUICK!!! Comment by TudorRose March 2009
  • No progress this week. Oh hell. Only have myself to blame. Back on the wagon now, just got to be very good this week and next and should hit my target- no reason why not. Best of luck everyone!
  • Dear Dissertation; Seriously, you won't write yourself? Meanie. From Deeply Confused English Student Writing About History In Literature Dear Dissertation Markers; I'm sure you agree I deserve a First just for being able to pronounce my title without flaws, even when saying it really fast (Fictionalisations of Illicit…
  • Ditto. Who needs soap operas? :tongue: Seriously though guys, please chill out.
  • On toast. If you have hayfever, eating some early season local honey can help
    in Honey? Comment by TudorRose March 2009
  • Mirrors are EVIL. But then, there's no room for excuses with scales. Arg!
  • I'm also a student and set my lifestyle as sedentary. I'd then add the gym glass in your exercise diary; ditto the football (sorry, British, it's footie to me).
  • I'm just about to turn 21 and in my third and final year of an English Literature BA hons. Looking forward to leaving- not looking foward to deadlines :laugh:
  • Food has been a total bust the last few days- I've been eating my nerves. Back on the wagon, may have gained a little but doubt it's more than half a pound, if that, once the sodium filters away. And I'll be packing like a mad thing for the next few days, so a nice calorie burner there. Passed my driving test :happy: Have…
  • Pedal- okay, okay, I'll post! Sorry ladies, I have been reading, just kinda hectic and nervy about my driving test (tomorrow!!!!! Eek!)- so much so, I've lost my appetite. My housemate (also on MFP) has been nagging me to eat. It's been some time since that sort of thing happened! (Don't worry- I have a potato in the oven…
  • Nope, you're good. The only danger is that if you eat all your food and then don't do the exercise. But you sound like that's not an issue for you
  • Dear Self; For the love of god, go to BED. It's already 11 and you need to be at work at 6. And you know you won't have time for a nap afterwards, because you have a driving lesson. Your test is on FRIDAY. You want to fail? Or get fired? No? GO TO SLEEP! The sensible part of you whom you tend to ignore
  • My birthday is coming up soon, and you think I'm calorie counting? Not a chance! However, that's not saying I'll stuff my face. Small, moderate treats are fine on an infrequent basis. Just don't cheat for the sake of it being your birthday- think, do I REALLY want that cake, or is is just because I'm letting myself? I'm…
  • I fully agree. The happiest I've been with my body wasn't when I was a size 10 (British), obsessing over calories, wrapped up in anorexia and bulima, but when I was a size 12-14 and healthy
  • *Jealous* I'm an English Lit student, working part time at a supermarket checkouts. In my final year, so job hunting- not too fussy about what I do, really, so long as I get a job
  • That's the one! Someone leaked it online and it's NOT the finished version. Meyer doesn't want anyone reading it but doesn't want to finish it now, either. Very frustrating- I want to read it, but until she makes up her mind for sure she's not finishing it, I don't want to read the current version. (Meyer claims it must…
    in Twilight Comment by TudorRose March 2009
  • Do you think you can do it? Are you willing to make the necessary changes to diet, attitude and exercise? If so, then of course you can do it. Jeez, I can't believe that other site told you you can't. Maybe THEY can't do it. Maybe they want a quick fix, or don't have the willpower to get where they want to be. Be strong…
  • Large (well, I knew that already thanks to numerous x-rays) and my goals are right. Thanks for this link
  • I deliberately saw the movie first. If I read the book, then see the film, it can ruin both for me; not so the other way around. Liked the film (though am I the only person who doesn't see the appeal in Pattison?); LOVED the books. POed that the 5th may not come out (the rumours change so much. I'm never sure what's…
    in Twilight Comment by TudorRose March 2009
  • CathySW 210.2 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 206.2 PROGRESS -4 AmyLouSW 153 lbs. / GW 145 lbs / CW 154.2 lbs. PROGRESS 1.2 lbs. KristinSW 159.5 lbs/ GW 163 lbs/ CW 162 lbs Progress +2.5 lbs EM:SW 148.4 LBS/GW 142.0 LBS / CW 150.4 LBS PROGRESS +2.0 LBS RhiannonSW177.6lbs / GW 167lbs / CW 178.4lbs Progress +0.8 lbs AmySW 202 lbs/GW…
  • Okay, first, you should know my favourite poem is "Flowers" by Wendy Cope. It's about a guy who always NEARLY buys the speaker flowers- but never quite does, for various reasons. It ends with "look, the flowers you nearly bought/ have lasted all this while". So, I went on a first date with this guy I met at a party. We…
  • I finish classes in May, have an exam in May/June and graduate in November. My final goal is for my graduation- and thus far, I'm on track. Well, on track weight wise. Work is another matter :laugh:
  • I try to eat SOME fats, as I have poor joints. But I try to eat "good" fats, not saturates or trans-fats, etc. Natural fats, like in a good olive oil, nuts. But I still try to keep under my fats overall
  • Oh yes. I used to have a major cross bite as a kid, so chewing was kinda hard. I find that distracting myself as I eat works to slow myself- but not so distracted I forget to pay attention to my food. A magazine is good, or chatting. Try cutting food smaller or bigger than normal (most people say smaller but bigger forces…
  • Still have to wait unitl March 29th over here
  • That meal sounds utterly wonderful. I think you should send some my way :P
  • It depends. A lot of high end restaurants will serve a miniscule portion and charge a bomb for it. :laugh: Most will overfeed you though, to an extreme. :grumble: Why does my dad only ever take me to eat when I'm on a diet? He's lost loads of weight lately, but by walking about 15 miles a day on about 500 calories but…