vanessagardner01 Member


  • Totally disagree, it depends on your build and activity level - agreed I wouldn't go below this but its not too low to sustain.
  • HI All My biggest tip is weigh your food before you cook it! This has been one of the single biggest factors for me in changing what I do. You inevitably underestimate what you eat otherwise. I'm talking about meat, pasta, rice and potatoes in particular. Do eat your exercise calories back as much as you can, If you think…
  • Hi I too have been on weight watchers and kept getting stuck. Then I'd put weight on again and a vicious cycle would commence. Last year I went to America on holiday - ate too much and came home to a major extension. Had no kitchen for over 6 weeks so we were eating really unhealthy prepared microwave meals and then…
  • Get Leanne Grose Wheelchair Workout, its available on Amazon and is especially for people like you. :smile:
  • Can't believe thats right. I always weigh at the same time in exactly the same place with no clothes once a week. You fluctuate during that week but I'd look at your scales.
  • Wow well much weight did you lose? I'm 3 weeks in and have lost 8 lb.'s so far but want to lose 1 stone and a half at least...I was feeling a bit down today as I've been really working on the exercise as well as making sure I'm changing what goes in and monitoring what I'm eating. I only lost 0.4lb today but…