chrissy3064 Member


  • going to bed is a good solution seriously! less sleep = increased appetite, plus your body finds it hard to burn off what you are eating late @ night. then when you are sleep deprived you are more likely to indulge in lots of high fat high carbs high sugar food as pick me ups the next day. it is a viscious cycle. speaking…
  • As I see it, MFP bases your maintenance calories as approx 1800, ie to not lose or gain and based on no exercise, this is what your body needs for all your organs etc to function and get around the day. To lose weight and depending on your goals, it caluclates what you should aim for to lose weight so that you have a…
  • looking forward to the challenge! will run & walk for a better mind & body!
  • running is addictive! just start and the buzz you get will keep you coming back! i started with a walk/jog/walk/walk/walk/jog/walk... once a week two months ago, decreasing the amount of walking. i'm now running for 90 mins once a week! wear leggings (seeing my legs wobble in shorts wasn't exactly motivating!) and just go…
  • everyone seems to be on the right track here! some of my favourite fillings to curb any hunger: fruit - low Gi/sugar - high in fibre - low in cals - apples, berries, oranges, peaches, pears, plums, prunes, red grapes (seriously! as i'm a bit of a snacker it keeps me away from the sugar!) - if you are still trying to lose…
  • is your concerns with eating because you want to magnify weight loss or because of performance? listen to your body. everybody is different and i think you just have to go with what works for you. if you are eating well and exercising in general then you are already on the right track. personally, i have one big run (60 -…