LeslePG Member


  • Boy, we struggle with this at our house.......hubby and I eat healthy and the kids look at us like "this is all we're having?" We usually have one vegetable dish for everyone and a side salad, but if I'm making something the kids won't eat (like roasted asparagus), I will make a rice or pasta side dish for the kids (Lipton…
    in side dishes Comment by LeslePG July 2012
  • Awesome, love it! Great job!!
  • spicypepper, your ticker banner made me LOL! :laugh:
    in My NSV :-) Comment by LeslePG July 2012
  • I agree with what everyone has said. Even when we have made positive changes (both seen and unseen..... and we can SEE yours, which are amazing, BTW :wink: ), it's hard to get that negative junk out of your head and it will mess with you. You have made some great changes, and have every right to be dang proud of yourself~…
  • I LOVE seeing everyone's results! Very motivational and inspirational, can't wait to post my own before & afters (it will be a while....only on week 3:wink: ) Aprrae, have fun on your vacation!!
  • Love this!
  • Whoa, I did need the luck for workout 3! Yesterday was rough, workout 4 today wasn't too bad:smile: Keep up the great work! Those planks are killer:angry:
  • ^ I totally get this! You are doing so great!!
  • Georgia Bulldogs! Goooooo Dawgs, sic 'em, woof woof woof!
  • OK, you're my hero!! That is so amazing! WTG!!!
  • TN Titans! Cortland Finnegan, I will miss you, traitor!
  • Matthew Stafford! Georgia girl,here!
  • I didn't want to spend the money, but the gps tracker on my Ipod is so crazy out of whack that I had to splurge and get one~ boy is it worth it! Make sure you get one with the chest strap~ I have the Polar FT4 and got it at www.heartratemonitorsusa.com....think it was on sale for $68. Can't live without it :happy:
  • Sounds like you're doing great! I incorporate the Couch to 5k with my JMBR also, so the days when I run AND do my workout I burn between 700-800 calories~ makes me happy! I will be starting workout 3 on Monday :smile: Keep up the good work!
  • LOVE Jillian! I have all of her DVD's, but my newest is Body revolution. I am finishing week 2 of phase 1 and I love it! Really starting to see a difference in my body, and it's only 30 minutes! Also love that the cast is a good mix of guys and gals. My hubby is doing the workouts with me and I think that makes it easier…
  • Just made tilapia for dinner! Sprayed the filets with a little spray margaine, then sprinkled some cajun seasoning (love Emeril's Bayou Blast!) It was delish!
  • I'm 45 and have noticed the past couple of years the weight creeping up. I lost 6 stress pounds during my student teaching in December, then the holidays hit and I gained it all back plus some. Enough is enough! I remember hearing that as you age you gain about a pound a year naturally. I'm not willing to accept that! I…
  • "It is what it is" is mine also......ugghhh!
  • Okay, I despise the kickouts in workout 2......then you go into bicycle crunches~ my legs are killing me during those! But loving the changes I'm seeing! My 16-yr old daughter asked me today if I've lost weight :bigsmile: Glad we're all in this together!!
  • You have done so great and that motivates ME! And look at your 'guns'~ I'm impressed! Yes, we are our own worst critics, it's hard to be perfect all the time, and we all (well most of us) backslide every now and then with eating. Old habits are hard to break. Sometimes you have to have a little of that _____________…
  • That is a great thing to do, especially if you are continuing to lose. I did that after each of my pregnancies b/c I needed pants but didn't want to pay much for them since I knew I'd continue losing. It's very liberating to say "bye bye" to the clothes, and not having them around as an excuse
  • Wowza! Absolutely amazing!! Great job :happy:
  • Ah, the dreaded scale- it sure can mess with our heads, can't it? You have done an amazing job, it's about inches and how your clothes fit, not the number on the scale. Listen to me preaching, I'm just as obsessed~ lol! Keep up the great work you're doing:smile:
  • I finally broke down and bought a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor, I wanted to make sure my calories were counted right instead of guessing and wondering if MFP estimates were close enough. I am 5'5" and 135 lbs currently. If we are close in size, I can give you what my calories burned were if it will help you with an…
  • I didn't do the Kickstart or the diet plan for it. I'm just trying to eat healthier and stay within my calorie limits, as well as working out. I am doing the C25K program, so on the 3 days that I run that is my extra cardio workout. Otherwise, I just follow the program for the week. Following the diet would have been hard…
  • You know we're keeping tabs on you:wink: That's what helps keep me going, that others know I'm doing the program. Keep up the good work!
  • Woooohoooo! Finished my first week!:happy: Well, less one day b/c Jillian arrived on Tuesday~ haha! Feeling good so far, Cardio 1 kicked my booty. Went running this morning then did my workout, which netted me over 700 exercise calories! So I feel like I'm entitled to a couple of low-cal, homemade margaritas this…
  • That's great ! :happy:
  • I have a question about the recipes where the calories are listed as kcal. So if a recipe says it has 280 kcal, is that just 280 calories? Confused.....
    in the FOOD Comment by LeslePG July 2012
  • Thank you so much for posting your progress! I have really enjoyed reading the posts (and it's scaring me just a bit seeing what lies ahead~ lol). Even though I'm almost through my first week, seeing the changes in you inspires me!