

  • I have been walking for two weeks tomorrow. Every morning I get out of bed and say one hour that is all I ask for today, just give me one hour. So I get my stuff done and within my day I get my hour in....once you start you will be disappointed you didnt' get your hour in. I started mentally everyday for a week telling…
  • Hi I like the plain old jello with some cool whip on top....seems to take the sweet cravings away and the calories are minimal. Good luck in your weigh loss! :)
  • Yes you can! I started walking a week ago 2.5 miles everyday. And just kind of watched what I ate last week and lost 4lbs in one week. Now this week I am watching what I eat and still walking everyday 2.5 miles and can't wait to see what I lose next week! Granted the weather has been good here in Michigan so I have been…