

  • Just get back to what you were doing. If you want to step it up for a few weeks I would try to drink more water, and watch your sodium (whenever I eat high sodium foods for a few days or even a few meals I always weigh a few pounds more). Maybe add an additional gym day or just walk/jog for an additional 20 minutes a day.…
  • I didn't like my first class but now I LOVE it. Try and stick it out for at least 2 classes. I don't wear padded shorts or use a padded seat and I've never had comfort issues. It's a hard seat but as long as it's adjusted properly you shouldn't have any major issues. Being a tall water bottle- make sure it's not too wide…
  • So instead of working out I can just eat a bunch of fruit? It burns more calories than it contains so eating fruit= burning calories! Awesome! :wink:
  • That drives me crazy! For me it's always the person with the most perfume or cologne who does it :grumble:
  • I haven't read all the replies so I don't know if this has been mentioned, but maybe try classes? I get bored on the cardio machines and classes keep me more interested and force me to challenge myself. I get most of my workouts done this way, I take at least 3 a week (they are included in the membership fee at my gym) and…
  • I think so! I HATE running. I'm fit- I can bike 15 miles before I feel a little fatigued. I can do the elliptical for 45 minutes at medium level before getting fatigued. Running or jogging? 90 seconds. It hurts my knees and ankles the next day. I started out thinking the only way I could be fit was if I could be a great…
  • Not the most orginal advice but I like to eat nuts or peanut butter when I need to add more calories.
  • Me! I get grumpy if I don't eat enough. I eat at least 1600 net, and that would be a low day. I've always been tiny. All through high school and college I was 5'4 and 105 pounds. My last year of college I grew an inch and gained 12 pounds and grew a cup size, although my pants are all still the same size. I'm definitely a…