I hate working out.



  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I intensely dislike cardio.

    But I do it ...for 30 minutes because right now I can't get to the iron and it's been raining and nasty here for two weeks.

    I do enjoy walking outside

    I love pumping iron

    The good news is...the calorie burn isn't the most important thing..my sister burns calories like a demon as a marathon runner...but she is heavier than I am.
  • FitGirl329
    FitGirl329 Posts: 103 Member
    Your body will change so much faster and for the better if you focus more on strength training and kill the mentality of doing cardio to burn fat. Muscle is smaller and denser than fat and burns more calories at rest. Once you start strength training your body will get smaller and tighter. Your body will become a calorie burning machine even at rest. You can add cardio if you want extra burn or heart benefits but you don't need to kill yourself with it...especially since you hate it.

    And there are so many things you can try. If you work out at home, I highly suggest getting some weights and DVDs. Try the Firm or Chalean Extreme and go to town! Mix in some of the barre workouts like Squeeze, Xtend Barre or Physique 57 if you like...many women love them. For cardio you can try Turbo Jam, the Firm, Stephanie Huckabee's PowerFit or some of the wii things like Golds Gym, Walk It Out, wii Fit, Just Dance, etc.

    But don't do the treadmill if you hate it!
  • StrawMouse
    StrawMouse Posts: 30 Member
    As everyone is saying, it's horses for courses - trying new things is something I'm always being urged to do by healthier folk then me.

    But if a treadmill is what you have, this is what transformed it from a chore to a pastime for me: lower speeds combined with a really compelling distraction. So audiobooks, and if you can a screen - could you set it in front of the tv or use an iPad? I've caught up on lots or reading, and tv / films, and the cardio seems like an indulgence - I rarely get this 'free' media time elsewhere!
  • barbdp
    barbdp Posts: 5
    Thank you everyone those are some good tips :) I'm going to try out some different things until i find something i really enjoy. and well i feel like this again, I'm just going to come read some of these things to get me going :) My sister in law had a total gym she wasn't using so i have that so i think I'm going to just switch it up when i get bored of something. i walk my daughter to and from school ever day unless the weather is bad. i keep telling myself....some exercise is better than no exercise!
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    Thank you everyone those are some good tips :) I'm going to try out some different things until i find something i really enjoy. and well i feel like this again, I'm just going to come read some of these things to get me going :) My sister in law had a total gym she wasn't using so i have that so i think I'm going to just switch it up when i get bored of something. i walk my daughter to and from school ever day unless the weather is bad. i keep telling myself....some exercise is better than no exercise!

    I agree some exercise is no exercise. One reason why besides going to the gym I will do curls while watching tv or us resistance bands. Some individuals have told me its point less but I look at it like this, it takes more cal to use those weights than what it does just sitting and staring at the tv, and well lets face it I need ever burn I can get when i can get it without being in pain regardless if it only adds up to 1 more.
  • Jack Lalanne once said he hates exercise, but loves the results.

    No easy answer, but figure out a way to make it work for you.
  • moreORless50
    moreORless50 Posts: 261 Member
    all i do is walk and walk some more started my weightloss on 10th August counted cals and walked and have lost 24lb so far

    i shall be introducing pilates this week
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I totally know where you are coming from. I totally hate exercising--it's hard for me and I can't run yet, because I'm outta shape (I was going to use the excuse that I'm old--but that's not it--it's that I'm not in shape). ALL that changes (well, except for running), when I add one little thing--Thumping, Jamming MUSIC. Listening to music when I'm on my treadmill and Stationary bike totally pumps me up and helps me to LOVE exercising. Plus, it makes me work harder and sweat more and afterwards I feel like a first class all time champion shero :wink:

    Try getting some headphones (I can't stand those earbuds) and I listen to one of my children's I-Pod thingys. They put a ton of my old dance tunes on it and some upbeat music, and girl---it's gets me going. Try it, I know it will work for you too. Today I was jamming so tough, I almost started running/jogging on that blasted treadmill. I'm telling ya, COOL music is the answer!

    Lastly, when I'm listening to music that's really awesome also makes the time FLY by too.

  • CDG1013
    CDG1013 Posts: 106 Member
    I find that many people I see don't take full advantage of their treadmill or elliptical trainer. They leave the incline or resistance low. With your asthma, maybe you can increase the incline on your treadmill to get your heart rate up a little higher. Find an incline that is challenging but does not make it impossible for you to breathe. If you set it at say level 4 and walk at 3-4 mph, you should get the cardio benefit. You will have to experiment to find the right speed and incline, but you can get a better workout by taking the incline up.

    When I run, I run at 7 or 7.1 mph for 40 min (which as taken me 4 months to work up to). I start (warm up) with the incline at level 1 and walk 1/4 mile at 3.6 mph. I then take the speed up to 7 or 7.1 leaving the incline at 1 until 10 min. At 10 min, I increase the incline by 0.5 and leave the speed alone. I continue increasing every 2 min until I reach 4.5 incline. I hold the 4.5 for 3 or 4 min and then begin reducing the incline by 0.5 (leaving the speed alone) until I get back to 3. At 3 I increase the speed and continue my decline process until I reach 2. I then finish up my workout, increasing the speed to keep my heart rate around 150.

    I have found this to be effective training. When I run road races, I find that I am able to maintain a 7 min/mile pace for anything from a 5K up to 4 miles and do not have soreness the next day. My point is this...if you can't run due to asthma, walk on the treadmill, wear a heart rate monitor, and use the incline to get a better cardio benefit.
  • janaq2003
    janaq2003 Posts: 44 Member
    Join the club
  • I haven't read all the replies so I don't know if this has been mentioned, but maybe try classes? I get bored on the cardio machines and classes keep me more interested and force me to challenge myself. I get most of my workouts done this way, I take at least 3 a week (they are included in the membership fee at my gym) and look forward to it, and I used to think I hated exercise too! You can go at your own pace too.
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    I have asthma too and, at least for me, it's no excuse for not pushing hard in a workout. Many people with asthma just take their puffers before exercise. If you're just looking to lose weight, go ahead and do light workouts. I don't think they'll do much for fitness though.

    I used to have such issues with running and my asthma until I learned how to breathe. Not sure how valid this is but it works for me: focus on the exhale and not the inhale.
  • KatjaO
    KatjaO Posts: 71
    Fully agree with music, weights, other types of exercise etc.

    Also, just go out. Walk a dog (neighbor's if you do not have one), bike to get groceries, park far at work or mall or whatever, never take the elevator etc. etc. Where do you live, any outdoorsy pretty areas, can you walk a trail? Around a pond? To a friends house (one that lives far to walk)? First just walk or bike. After a few weeks, look into going faster.

    I also find gyms and treadmills boring. Change in scenery is way more interesting. My newest thing (I am into running by now) is to use RunKeeper on my phone- it has a map and track my distance. I can now run "blind" anywhere for half of my trip and then I just run back. I get to explore the neighborhood in a whole new way an it is never the same scenery. I used to worry what was a good route or a good distance to go. Now I just run and look around and occasionally check how far from home I am (I am still a beginner so my "far" is just 1 mile for now)
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    I have asthma and knee problems. I do "Turbo Jam" because there's a low-impact modification that still burns a TON of calories. It gets my heart rate way up but doesn't bother my asthma. I got it for about $10 on Amazon. I like the "Cardio Party" workout.

    I absolutely LOVE turbo! I do this as well and I do the higher impact workout, and it definitely gets my heart going. It's so much fun.
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    I hate exercise too. It would make me angry. My solution - kickboxing! I literally get to beat the frustrations out! Now I love it!
  • olyabe
    olyabe Posts: 36
    I don't like any kind of exercise except for hiking in moderate weather or scuba diving (which probably has the lowest cost-to-calories burned ratio of all sports!).

    I also have exercise induced asthma - basically, take a puff before exercise for a couple of weeks, and then try going one or two levels of intensity down and skip the inhaler. The body will adjust and you won't need it as long as you increase the intensity gradually.

    My solution to keep myself on the home stairmaster regularly is TV series on Netflix. I found a show I really like, and I want to know what happened.. but I only allow myself to watch it while on the stairmaster. No exceptions. If I'm sick or tired or don't feel like exercise - well, then the story gets delayed by a couple days! This is how I logged in 18 hrs of stairmaster in March... I'm halfway through this one though, so I will have to look for a new show at the end of April.
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    I agree with what everyone has said about trying something new. I was always intimidated at gyms. But a year ago I forced myself to sign up. With my membership, I got a free personal training session. That was the game-changer for me. I love working out with a trainer. I get to chat with someone while I work out. He pushes me harder than I would ever push myself. He mixes it up so I'm not doing the same exercises over and over again. And I feel pretty bad *kitten* pumping iron with the guys in the free weight area. LOL.

    Just keep trying different things.....classes, DVDs, even a trial gym membership. You never know what you will eventually like. If someone had told me I'd enjoy working out with a trainer, I would I thought they'd lost their mind. But it's worked for me!

    Oh, I should also add that when I started working out (treadmill at home too), I absolutely hated it. Now, I enjoy working out, whether at the gym with a trainer, at the gym on the cardio equipment, or at home on the treadmill. Just keep on keepin' on. Eventually you might get to where you enjoy it!
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    Try strength training. It doesn't burn lots of cals, but it builds muscle that will burn lots of cals!
  • jaena4
    jaena4 Posts: 175 Member
    Second on the kickboxing! Love love love it! SO much fun and burns crazy calories! Find something you enjoy and you are way more likely to stick to it. I've also been doing aqua zumba and that's fun too. Look around!