

  • Race does matter. However, let me qualify that. I live in Northern Arkansas. The town I live in is 98% white. I was raised in southern California- in a very racially mixed area. I didn't even notice color until moving here. I don't notice color when I fall in love or am attracted to someone. However- I see how my racially…
  • I can't be honest when someone cooks for me. I will smile and grit my teeth and drink lots of water. My ex husband used to make this god-awful spaghetti sauce. I don't know how you can ruin spaghetti sauce, but he did. It tasted like burned garlic and salt. I HATED it. He never knew though- he was just so dang proud of it.…
  • Looks are a fact of life when you are in anything entertainment. I just got told last night- "Your voice was perfect, your acting was great, but then this other girl walked in and she sounded just like Patsy Cline and looked like her too." (We're doing Always Patsy Cline at the theater). So if I was smaller- I probably…
  • The shows I secretly LOVE are all the trashy reality TV shows. Teen Mom (They all piss me off- but I can yell at the screen what I can't yell at my students in the same situation), Real Housewives of anything, if its trashy- I will watch it for several hours, I guess because it makes me feel better about my oh-so normal…