

  • If you "slip" up and go over your calorie count, just say oops, don't give up and start new the next day. Making this your home page helps too.
  • CONGRATS! What an achievement! You look great! Thanks for the pics and inspiration!
  • I started this healthy eating for me, not my partner. He sometimes feels bad about eating what I don't want (not what I can't have, I changed my attitude and it's what I don't WANT) but that's his choice, not mine. He sometimes gets upset that I ask him to weigh my food or measure the servings (he does all the cooking).…
  • Hi I am 61 and just started 20 days ago. Nice to see such posts about food ,exercise and weight loss. You all are an inspiration to me. I do have a question, I am always under my calorie amount at the end of the day but I stay hungry all the time. Will I go into starvation mode (not losing cause my body thinks I am…
  • wow that sounds great for game night!
  • I use low fat plain yogurt, a dash of vanilla (1/8 tsp.) and a tablespoon of honey, then add 1/2 cup of my fruit in the whole 4 cup container, mix well and let sit overnight in the fridge.....yummy!
  • I had to change what I ate to lose, more soups and salads, less pizza and burgers. I am an insulin defendant diabetic with a thyroid disease so I have to do it this way to lose. My husband changed the portions which did not work for me. He lost and I am losing. To each their own way.