

  • Weigh every serving of food with a digital scale. Log every bite. You have enough to lose that it is simple math: calories in/calories out. The easiest explanation is that you are still eating more calories than you think you are.
  • What is your perceived rate of exertion? Are you anaerobic ever during your workouts? (Out of breath, unable to sustain for more than a few minutes). If you know you are working hard, and your HRM is not showing an elevated heart rate while doing so (85% or more of your maximum heart rate), then something is going on with…
  • Unless you are 6' tall and well over 200 pounds, I *seriously* doubt you could eat almost 1800 calories a day at age 55 and be in a deficit. If you are gaining weight, you are eating too much. It's that simple. Weigh and log everything that goes in your mouth, and if you insist on counting your exercise calories as extra…
  • This! I feel so much better (lean, more energy, not hungry, etc.) when I strive for a 40/30/30 ratio. It takes practice, though, and I usually supplement with a good protein powder shake at some point in the day. (Also, I miss my bananas!) Egg whites and Greek yogurt are your friend. :-)
  • Jack in the Box - grilled chicken fajita pita. Subway - no mayo, no cheese, no oil - add avocado in place of these for the "creamy" McDonalds - grilled chicken snack wrap, small fry, diet soda.