jmcghee6 Member


  • Welcome. We are all here to help motivate and encourage each other. I started January 9th, and I have found so much support amongst the members of this site. This is a great site to help you lose the weight you want to lose. So again, welcome!
  • I'm really loving this site. I find myself on this site more than I am on Facebook.
  • I'm originally from Long Island, but I moved to Baltimore over 25 years ago. I was always physically fit into my 30's, but I just stopped exercising and being active. I became a little more complacent once I got maried and started packing on the pounds. It doesn't help that my wife is a Personal Chef. She cooks so good and…
  • Hi, Dawn. My name is Jeff and I just happened to find this site. I want to lose 60lbs myself. Good luck to you and reaching your goal weight.