Hello! Newbie here!

Hello all,
I am new to this group and am looking for a supportive community to help as I set off on my weight loss journey. This seems to be the place. I get a lot of support from my family, but I would love to exchange ideas and support with a group of people who are looking to lose weight too! I look forward to getting to know the people in this great online community! :happy:


  • cindywcs
    cindywcs Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome :)
  • golope
    golope Posts: 54
    Welcome to MFP! Congratulations on starting your journey! :)
  • jmcghee6
    jmcghee6 Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome. We are all here to help motivate and encourage each other. I started January 9th, and I have found so much support amongst the members of this site. This is a great site to help you lose the weight you want to lose. So again, welcome!
  • JLizzie85
    Thank you everyone for being welcoming!
  • angelamarlene77
    Welcome! I am new this week too...looks like we'll find lots of support on here, really looking forward to that...anyone else want to be fitness pals? I need lots of them :) G'luck everyone!!