

  • Aisha, I think it's good for you to share your thoughts and journal about them. Please know that the only person you need to please is yourself. Once you are happy with yourself everything else will fall into place. I am an obese person and working on changing my body. I'm half way to my goal and will never come close to…
  • Well I'm new to this but I like mini pretzels. I can have 20 of them for 110 calories. They are salty and have the crunch so I feel full. I have also tried the Quaker rice cakes the 90 calorie packs. They have mulitple flavors and I especially like the peanut butter or the chocolate drizzle for the sweet factor. If I go…
  • That is so great. I cannot wait until I'm looking at those goals.
  • Work hard, but have fun and it'll work for you. Good luck!
  • Thanks for all the support. It really means a lot!
  • First week and I lost 10.5 lbs What a way to start a new week
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