NicoletheFaye Member


  • Add me, please! I've been waiting 10 years or more for this!
  • Every time I read that someone didn't immediately lose 7 pounds or that someone didn't gain just 1 or 2 pound, but gained like 6, it really encourages me. I upped my calories in early March and have been flinching every time I get on the scale. It's finally stopped hopping up and down and settled at a 6 pound weight gain.…
  • I really needed to read this thread today. Thank you everyone for sharing! I think I'll go in and change my calorie goal now. : )
  • @doorki - It was within my first few weeks here that I first thought about just paying attention to my weekly net calorie intake and living somewhat sensibly day to day. But I didn't trust my intuition and listened to advice for others who shot it down, for lack of any other science to back it up. Thank you for sharing.…
  • @doorki - You know, I wanted to do the same thing and I listened to my roommate who made it sound crazy. That is an EXCELLENT idea. I know Dr. Oz had an episode recently talking about the importance of spike days and I'm starting to zig zag a little more with my calories myself. I just hate seeing that I've gone over on a…
  • @cjpg - So it sounds like you did by accident what I did on purpose, I'm just not sure if it's enough, you know? But I had only increased my calories and not decreased my exercise. In fact, I started exercising more mainly because I was really excited that I was being successful with my C25K workout. But I decided to take…
  • I'm in the same boat you are, even down to the times I'm active. I plateaued after losing 18 pounds really quickly, based on their suggestions. Since then, I've gone in and moved it up to active. By the calculations I got from this calculator { } , my lifestyle…
  • Great job getting through that 5 minutes! It was TOUGH that first time and just about every time I did it that week! The 22 minute run followed by a 15 minute run was just this Sunday. I had obligations from early in the morning until late late late at night the last two days. But I will start Week 6 today after work. I'm…
  • Thank you, cmriverside! The way I see it, and I'm sure quite a lot of people on here feel the same way, I can't stick with something that isn't sustainable. I want a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.
  • WHOA. That link is AWESOME! According to this, MFP would be nearly 1,000 calories off from what they think I burn {which makes a lot more sense to me. I may have a desk job, but when I'm not at work, I'm on the go an don't stop until I go to bed}. Thank you for sharing!
  • Thank you once again! More than anything, I like to know that I'm not crazy and I value others' experiences highly. But I'm also a bit of an avid learner and this whole starvation mode / eat more thing seems so counterintuitive. I'd like to read up to cut down on my frustration.
  • Thank you so much for the information! That's a great list! Might I ask for your sources or is this from personal experience? I want to become better educated on this topic.
  • It's not uncontrollable shaking, more like fidgeting of which I am only semi-conscious. When I was younger, I remember a woman from my church whose leg would shake all the time in this way and she said it was because she had a high metabolism. I'm just curious to know if anybody knew one way or the other.
  • The first few minutes were the hardest, for some reason {it's pretty hilly here, so that may have had something to do with it}. I was on awful terrain and inappropriately dressed, but I kept going and I made it! 2 days after my Week 5, Day 3 session, I was able to run a solid 22 minutes and then another 15 minutes with…
  • Congratulations! I remember that feeling VERY well! I thought they were crazy! I just finished up week 5. Each time it was like "You want me to jog 90 SECONDS???", and then "3 MINUTES???" and then "5 MINUTES??????". And each time, I got through it. The last session of week 5, it's 20 minutes solid. Non stop. And I thought…
  • Just completed Week 5, Day 3! I got winded and a stitch in my side Week 1 Day 1, but my running mate wouldn't let me stop. I'm so glad she didn't. Unfortunately, I have not lost a single pound since I started C25k in mid February. In fact, I've gained a few. Even if I mysteriously keep gaining weight, the fact that I just…
  • Same here! I added more calories and more weight came with it. Does anyone know how long you have to eat more calories before it breaks your plateau? Maybe we aren't waiting long enough. I've been eating more calories for 2 weeks now.
  • I'm so glad I read this post. I weighed myself last night and found that I have put on 11 pounds in one week, which essentially would have meant that I ate an additional 47,250 calories that weren't accounted for. I guess I've never really weighed myself around this time before. I was SO discouraged and had to get my…