

  • 2 cups of coffee 2 tsp sugar (1 tsp in each cup of coffee) 1/2 cup 1% milk (2 oz in each cup of coffee) 2 slices wheat toast- Nature's Own- only 50 calories in a full size slice and no high fructose corn syrup 1 oz neufchatel cheese Every couple of days I'll have 2 fried eggs instead of the cream cheese, and put Smart…
  • I do 2 cups a day, with 1 tsp of sugar and 1/4 cup of 1% milk. I also have a cup of hot tea with the same sugar and milk later in the day or at night in front of the tv. I figure it's satisfying and fewer calories than many other options. I'd use skim milk if any one else in the house used it- it goes sour before I can…
  • I read and delete e-mails from my phone while doing 30 minutes on my recumbent bike! I have also tried reading Twitter posts , and they are okay, but if I follow a link to an article (or anything that's more than a few paragraphs long) then I don't pedal as fast as I want to, so I stick to the short ones. That's why the…