What did YOU eat for breakfast?



  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    I usually have cereal =). It's quick and easy.
  • jubeesh
    jubeesh Posts: 156
    Today I had egg substitute cooked in a coffee mug with turkey, mushrooms and cheese, and some kiwi. But most days I have baked oatmeal with blueberries and banana.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I have two breakfasts that I usually eat since I'm not a first thing in the morning eater (I'm up at 5 to be at work at 7 so I eat when I get to work):

    1) Two Van's gluten free blueberry waffles (1 serving,) toasted (nothing on them-no butter, no syrup) and an Adkins dark chocolate shake

    2) What my coworker calls "Rachel's Strawberry Shortcake Breakfast" (the first time I brought this to work, that's what she said it smelled like) also good for a guilt free dessert (if you have the calories available)
    3/4 cup gluten free rice crispies
    6oz container vanilla greek yogurt
    1 cup fresh strawberries
  • hkevans724
    hkevans724 Posts: 241 Member
    Belvita breakfast cookies. There are four in a pack but you don't have to eat all 4. I like to break them up and snack on them over the morning
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    I used to never eat breakfast as it made me feel nauseated and I could hardly get it down. The first month of eating breakfast regularly after joining MFP was really hard but what helped was eating something light like a yogurt, and egg, or a banana. Now after 3 months I am able to eat more in the mornings and dont feel sick. I think my body just had to get used to it.
  • signerh
    signerh Posts: 61 Member
    Greek yoghurt with nuts and berries or fruit. And I've resently discovered overnight oats and I love it :)
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    I'm a total breakfast fanatic, lol!
    5 egg whites
    2 cups black coffee
    ketchup and sometimes s.f. jelly
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    Pop tart today.

    Possibly due to going to bed at 3-4am every night/dawn for the past 6 days and up at 9-10am thanks to assignments - either way, I'm craving sugary things big time right now.
  • masher7
    masher7 Posts: 1 Member
    1c homemade Greek yogurt
    1c raspberries from my garden
    1 slice whole wheat toast with 1 Tbs peanut butter

    Lots of protein and fiber keeps me full for hours!
  • Colleen_G
    Colleen_G Posts: 57
    Sounds like you're not eating enough. and there's just no way you're getting all that your body needs at dinner.... Plus it doesn't reallly help to just eat one real meal a day. It's not just how many calories you eat - you have to feed your body properly and not eating enough is doing your body a serious disservice.

    For breakfast I had -
    2/3 cup plain greek yogurt + 1 packet splenda + 1/3 cup canned pumpkin + 1/2 scoop vanilla protein + cinnamon

    186 Calories
    1g Fat
    15g carbs
    5g Fiber
    26g Protein
    98mg Sodium

    Well hell! I never thought of adding pumpkin before! THANKS for the idea!

    I had a cup of lemony quinoa salad with shaved root veggies and a wedge of cantaloupe.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,175 Member
    It depends on the mood I am in. Sometimes I will make scrambled eggs with some bacon bits and have some toast with it. Today I had half a raisin bagel with cream cheese and a small peach. Sometimes I skip breakfast and do lunch...sometimes the other way around. Its all good. :)
  • islandpwp
    islandpwp Posts: 32
    I was not a breakfast eater on work days prior to MFP as just felt too early to eat, always reached for the digestives at work at 10ish tho.
    weekends it was always a full english,
    NOW I have homemade granola with sliced bananna and bio yougurt or scrambled egg on seeded bread, still have my full english at weekends but grill and poach rather than fry

    no probs eating early now, I'm always starving in the mornings and my mood is SOOO much more stable

    good luck
  • 16oz chobani greek yougurt
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    Generally Shakeology or a bowl of cereal.
  • RES2333
    RES2333 Posts: 36
    Protein shake (2 scoops:52g Protein, 280 Calories) and a banana
  • shierrarobin
    shierrarobin Posts: 181
    I had 2 Eggo Nutrigrain Waffles with a half a tablespoon of Nutella spread across each. I had a cup of coffee with it with 2 tsp of sugar and two tbsp of sugar free vanilla creamer. I never have a very big breakfast because I try to make my dinner the biggest meal of the day. If my dinner isn't satisfying I wind up eating a late night snack.
  • tquaider
    tquaider Posts: 3
    2 cups of coffee
    2 tsp sugar (1 tsp in each cup of coffee)
    1/2 cup 1% milk (2 oz in each cup of coffee)
    2 slices wheat toast- Nature's Own- only 50 calories in a full size slice and no high fructose corn syrup
    1 oz neufchatel cheese

    Every couple of days I'll have 2 fried eggs instead of the cream cheese, and put Smart Balance spread on the toast.

    A dietician told my husband that he wasn't hungry in the morning because he was eating too much too late at night. That was true for him, he does do that. He has scaled back the TV time snacking and started eating breakfast. Now he's started taking a protein shake for "lunch" to keep his metabolism moving. Baby steps...

    Good Luck!
  • Fatty_Melt
    Fatty_Melt Posts: 18 Member
    Today I had 1 cup of Quaker Oats prepared with water and no salt, a cup of frozen sliced strawberries, and 1/8 of Spartan Lite Maple Syrup.
  • kcmcd
    kcmcd Posts: 239 Member
    I scrambled two eggs and two egg whites, and gave my 3yo daughter a third of it. Had the rest with some cheese. Glass V8 juice.
  • I am glad you posted. i would love to know everyones answers as well. i have been doing this for 5 days and am so lost. breskfast seems to be my biggest mystery.

    i try to always eat one carb, (such as toast or cereal) one protein or dairy, (such as eggs or milk) and some fruit. you should always try to get breakfast because it gives you a metabolism boost. also, if you are used to only eating two meals a day, then go for breakfast and lunch, because most of the fat from those is burned by the time you go to bed, and most of the fat from dinner ends up as stored fat if it isn't burned before you go to sleep. just a tip!