

  • Here's how I got my sorry butt out of bed to go running. Get your stuff ready and hanging up so you can see it when you open your eyes, then get your trainers on and get out there. If it's the first time you're doing it, you will feel excited, or will have in mind the reason you're doing it in the first place. Then, all…
  • I feel your pain! I feel exactly the same way. It seems so unfair that the effort we make to eat right doesn't seem to be reflected in the scales, yet a small slip up piles right on! I used to go to a slimming club where the lady who ran it said 'why does everyone seem so disappointed in a pound loss? It's great! 1 pound a…
  • Exactly what everyone else here has said. Just get back on track tomorrow. Don't try and over compensate by starving or doing anything daft. Just do what you usually do. You may well gain a bit, but if you stay on track it will soon come off again. This is life, you can't be perfect all of the time and slip ups happen :-D…
    in Help! Comment by 491emmah June 2014