rawardle Member


  • Don't get discouraged. Just change things up. What are you doing for exercise? Maybe add more cardio and get your heart rate up for longer. Take a close look at your diet and make sure most of your calories are good calories. It isn't just all about calories but eating clean. Best of luck and don't give up.
  • I could not agree more. I have been eating really clean the past 2 months and I don't crave junk food at all. I haven't eaten fast food in almost 2 years and have been completely off of sugar since the New Year. I feel better than ever. :)
  • People with eating disorders do not view others as fat. There image is completely distorted and they themselves look fat but others just look normal. I was anorexic (5'3, 71lbs at my lowest) and I always commented on how I wanted to be skinny like my friends who were just normal sized. It is an incredibly confusing…
  • Simply amazing! Thanks for sharing and for the inspiration.
  • I would definitely increase your calories a bit. 1200 calories is simply not enough and if that is all you are eating your body can go into starvation mode and hold onto calories causing the plataeu.