

  • Valeria, note it also indicates 2.1 miles. It seems unlikely that that you would go 2.1 miles in 22 minutes of brisk walking (but the same holds true for Donna maybe she got a quick run in who knows ). My striiv APP under reports my activities and calories a bit for sure. I notice it often doesn't report any steps if I'm…
  • Thanks Katherine that's great!
  • Oh!!! I tried to input an adjustment to fix it and now I am getting a negative 600 calorie adjustment. I am so sad it appears that the model assumes you do ALL your exercise in a manner than can and will be recorded by striiv, so if you input cardio like bike riding or swimming separately into MFP the striiv adjustment…
  • Hmmm well mine worked great on the 18th and 19th but as of today it seems off. I have mine set to sedentary and my weight matches in both spots. Woke up this morning jogged to crossfit jogged home and when I input my crossfit class calories burne from my hr monitor (I don't wear the striiv, it's a lot of weight lifting) I…
  • Hiya! Rhannie8 mine adjusted and seems to be working great but I've noticed the support people recomended setting yourself to sedentary (so that your striiv activity can be calculated off that and will be positive). If you have yourself set as Active but aren't getting as much activitiy on your striiv as an active person…
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