striiv app, how accurate is it?

Hi everyone,

Just wondering how accurate you all think this app is? It is saying that i've done 22 mins of activity, 3,719 steeps taken, 2.1 miles walked and 258 cals burned? Does anyone know does that sound about right for a woman of 5ft 10 and 143lbs?


  • valerieknox
    valerieknox Posts: 45 Member
    It's weird that the MFP-calculation for 22 minutes for a walk in brisk pace is 117 kcal.. :( It's odd that the numbers are so far apart, but then again I guess my calculation is done after my weight and height..
  • nancyjax
    Valeria, note it also indicates 2.1 miles. It seems unlikely that that you would go 2.1 miles in 22 minutes of brisk walking (but the same holds true for Donna maybe she got a quick run in who knows ).

    My striiv APP under reports my activities and calories a bit for sure. I notice it often doesn't report any steps if I'm doing chores around the house (or I'll be wandering around doing stuff for 30 minutes and it will only record 20 steps). Also I've learned not to do the 2 more minutes of activity challenges if I'm wandering around the house as they will definitely fail. I think you have to walk a certain number of steps in a row before it starts counting. So if I'm doing laundry or unloading the dishwasher it doesn't record it. I wore the striiv app and my striiv smart pedometer at the same time one day and noticed for jogging or walking it does a great job but for other things they started to diverge (the phone app reported about 10% fewer steps overall).

    It is a really neat tool though! I love it. 1) It's free!!! 2) it automatiically updates my calories! It's really quite brilliant!