

  • Welcome! I am new too! Love the site. It has some great tools that I think are going to help us all lose some weight! Good luck!
    in Newbie! Comment by Alicia_W July 2010
  • I previously did it for about a week. It was tough at but I felt so good afterwards. I didnt finish because I went on vacation and never really got back on board. But I think I am going to be starting back up really soon! Sorry I wasnt much help!
  • So sorry to hear that. Welcome back and good luck! You can do this!
  • Welcome to MFP! I am fairly new too! I really love this site. Its really helpful! Good luck! Alicia
  • So far I am really enjoying the site. It is really user friendly and I think will be really helpful in our weight loss! What about you?
  • Hi! I am new too! I wish you all the luck! I gained 60lbs when I was pregnant with my daughter and now its time to lose it! I sent you a friend request!
  • Welcome! I am pretty new to this site too! I just love it! Good luck! I am sending you a friend request! Alicia
  • Welcome! I am pretty new to this site too! I just love it! Good luck! I am sending you a friend request! Alicia
  • Hi Karen! I am pretty new to the site too! I just love how easy everything is. Its really going to help with loosing weight. I wish you all the luck! I am sending you a friend request! Alicia
    in new too :) Comment by Alicia_W July 2010
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