ladyk1985 Member


  • Hey!! Ive just jumped back on the wagon too as i fell off.After day one going well im feeling hopeful,plus ive made a few friends to give me some support. Im here for support if u need it. we can do it!!
  • Hey!! Im getting married in just 4 and a half weeks,30th march 2012. Soo excited but working hard to lose alittle weight b4 my last dress fitting.
  • Hey!! Im kim. I also have pcos and understand how frustrating it is. I had my little boy nearly 2 years ago and started to put on alot of weight,have irregular/missed periods and moods like ive never known,which lead to my diagnosis. Im getting married in 4 and a half weeks and am desprate for another little one but have…
  • Hi!! Im trying to lose a little for my wedding on the 30th march and miss twinkletoestasha is my bridesmaid so were supporting each other. 5 weeks to go and feeling the moment,lol.x