rackie515 Member


  • Hi Everyone!! This is the female half of PG3ibew.. LOL Thank you for all your positive thoughts and comments!! And Baby you always looked good to me!! But I am glad that you are excited and healthy and fit.., not for me, but for you!! You're awesome.. Keep up the good work...
  • Arnold Bakery light 100% Whole wheat bread it is 40 calories a slice and so soft and fresh.. Ok it is a liitle thinner per slice but it is so delicious
  • Being discourage will only set you back. You Love your new lifestyle, and the way you're eating. Don't give up, like anything else thier can be a few bumps in the road. My suggestion would be don't step on the scale for two weeks, jump start yourself once again, maybe by doing 10 extra minutes of cardio a day, and getting…
  • Motivation is KEY. Put some music on your Ipod that really gets you going, get on an elliptical, or treadmill, and focus only on YOU!! all the while when you are working out, Think of how amazing you will be when you reach your goal. When you first start to excercise it can be boring as hell, but as you see the change in…
    in Ideas Comment by rackie515 July 2012