janegeraldine Member


  • One of my absolute favorite go to recipes is a bag of dry black beans, soaked to package specifications, then boiled with a large diced onion and chili powder and salt to taste. I use the resulting product to make pizzas, burritos, chili, tacos, or add a couple vegetarian sausages and serve over rice. It is also fabulous…
  • I find that two Fig Newman cookies eaten before I start to get dressed work pretty well. I feel energized enough and don't ever feel sick and I run over 3 miles, up to 4.5 every day.
  • My morning Starbucks. Iced venti americano with 2 pumps white mocha and light water. It has proven to be my ONLY non-negotiable.
  • Was the splurging for your sister's wedding recent? If it was, maybe you had a few too many salty things that caused some bloat. It happens to me when I have an indulgent period.
  • I would always default to the recommended amount of 8 8 oz glasses minimum, or more if you are exercising outside and feel you need it. I drink a lot more than the standard dosage, but I retain a lot so I drink more to make sure I have enough. I always drink around 16 oz when I wake up and then have probably 5-6 more 16 oz…
  • I tend to bloat easily as well. What I do, is watch salt like a hawk, drink plenty of water, and get lots of fiber. I also find that I am less bloaty in the morning if I don't snack after supper. Usually I have a serving or two of fruit in the evening, but nothing with salt and certainly no junk foods. I find that if I…
  • Maybe shy away from statements like this if you want honest and friendly advice. Everyone is different and some of us live very healthy lives at 1200 calories for weight loss. I do, and I get ALL of my nutrients every day. What works for you may not work for everyone. What kind of cardio do you do on your five days? There…
  • This is also my approach. I am not at maintenance phase yet, but I expect to be around 1700 calories for maintenance. This works for a lot of people. I am sure you feel healthy and capable and strong with this plan.
  • When I was around your weight, a year ago, I ate about 1700 calories a day and definitely lost weight. This was with a running regimen that burned about 300 calories a day. Forget starvation mode and think about long term. You want to teach yourself to eat like a healthy, fit person. It takes time to learn how to do that.…
  • I stayed at the 1500 calorie level for about six weeks. I wanted to give it a fair try, but after six weeks of barely a pound a week, I had to adjust. Certainly when I was at my highest weight, I lost several pounds a week pretty easily, and now that I am down to 25, I have slowed to between 1 and 1.5 pounds. I am…
  • I really like this post ^^. I have also heard of the marathon runners who die after the fact because they had over hydrated. I find that if I drink too much before a run, I feel heavier and very sloshy in comparison to when I drink just a couple cups. Of course, EVERYONE is different. I also like to drink more water…
  • I eat below my BMR every day and I have lost nearly 100 pounds total. There is very mixed opinion over this on the discussion boards here. I have been very successful with fat loss and have built muscle mass over my entire body while following this plan. I maintain between 1-1.5 pounds a week of weight loss, and when I…
  • I have always understood it to be 8 8 oz. glasses of water per day, or 8 one cup servings. I have also read that herbal teas without caffeine are acceptable in a water count, but it has to be pretty unadulterated to count as actual water. I believe. I always end up drinking way more than 64 ounces of water a day,…
  • Since you don't know me and haven't seen my weight loss over time, I will let you know that I am losing fat and not muscle. As the fat disappears from my body, I am actually starting to see the muscle structure that I have been working on building over the past few years. My measurements consistently go down, which…
  • Yes! this way you can gauge your results and see how much of an increase still allows a loss. If your loss slows down too much, you can shave a few calories, or if it stays the same you can add a little at a time.
  • I don't see how how running a few miles a day six days a week is too much if you don't feel taxed by it. If you are trained to run that much and are not achy or feel awful afterwards, I don't see how it can be bad. Listen to your body. If it says it's too much, then it probably is. If not, then don't worry.
  • How is running 3-4 miles "too much" running? That doesn't even make sense. I run 3-4 miles 5 times a week, and I am always working to add more to my mileage. Who is saying this kind of thing?
  • It seems as if he maybe meant that if you are doing everything right and working hard at it, then the weight comes off easily, which in general seems to be true. It isn't "easy" to stay in the mental place that yields results, but if you stay there, the weight loss itself isn't that hard. Why get worked up over someone who…
  • I believe you are eating enough. I eat around my 1200 calorie goal even on days that I burn 300-500 running. Sometimes I eat a hundred or so of those calories back, but not always. I went through a phase in which I bought into the "starvation mode" nonsense that makes the rounds here...I upped my daily calories to 1500 (my…