Advice for the new girl?

Hi! I am new to this whole "losing weight" thing. I know the basics of calories in versus calories out. However, I would like to lose about ten pounds, but I also do not believe in the whole 1200 calories per day (I do not care what anyone says, it is just not healthy).
I will also be exercising for weight loss rather than just for my own sanity. I generally workout (aka: cardio) 5 days a week for about half an hour.

Where should I start... what should I do? I would also love some friends to encourage me along the way :)


  • janegeraldine
    janegeraldine Posts: 20 Member
    I also do not believe in the whole 1200 calories per day (I do not care what anyone says, it is just not healthy).

    Maybe shy away from statements like this if you want honest and friendly advice. Everyone is different and some of us live very healthy lives at 1200 calories for weight loss. I do, and I get ALL of my nutrients every day. What works for you may not work for everyone.

    What kind of cardio do you do on your five days? There are a lot of helpful tools in mfp to help you input them, but a lot of people feel they overestimate the number of calories actually burned. I have no doubt others will chime in though. In my experience, it has been kind of an experiment to see where I need to be in the calorie spectrum to lose my 1-1.5 pounds a week. Don't be afraid to add and subtract little bits here and there until you feel comfortable and see the loss you are looking for.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I would recommend starting with the numbers. Calculate your BMR and TDEE (at a site like to figure out your daily calorie needs.

    Your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is roughly the number of calories your body would burn in a coma. it's what your body needs to keep all of your organs functioning and your brain alive. A lot of people would recommend not to eat less than this number.

    Your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) is the number of calories your body burns in a day. It's also the number of calories you'd need to eat to maintain your current weight. It includes everything from getting out of bed in the morning to your exercise calories. Eat less than that and you should lose weight.

    Remember, the last ten pounds can be frustrating to drop. Don't expect miracles or overnight success. There's a reason this is usually called a lifestyle change rather than a diet.
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi. When I joined MFP I upped my calories to 1,500 and that worked better for me. I'm no expert on the subject but I say start with things you enjoy.... are there classes you like, Zumba, Spin Class ,water classes ,walking or Jogging. I like to try and keep it fun, then I stay interested. I also throw strength training in there too after every cardio workout. Feel free to add me for support.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Start doing weight training, it's much more important than cardio. You don't have to eliminate cardio, but focus heavily on weight training to build muscle, most of fat loss comes from diet, not cardio. Building muscle will help you increase muscle mass and burn more calories at rest.
  • lbuseth
    lbuseth Posts: 41

    I will also be exercising for weight loss rather than just for my own sanity. I generally workout (aka: cardio) 5 days a week for about half an hour.

    I would also recommend adding in some weights. 5 days a cardio will help with the fat but to be lean and ton and shed a few lbs. you need to lift.
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    I like to do my cardio in the gym. I've been learning how to jog (I've never been good at running before), and I like to use the treadmill because it keeps me on pace. I was doing weight training, and while I really enjoy it, it was taking too much time away from being at home while my little ones are still awake. So, I've been doing body weight training at night, at home (I like bodyrock tv, they have a ton of videos; and browsing pinterest for exercise routines).

    Otherwise, I try to stick to my calorie guidelines over the week. Meaning, if I'm light one day, and little bit over the next, on target the third, etc, as long as it balances out by the end of the week, I don't worry about it too much. I got really frustrated trying to not go over the target by even one calorie, and I so I quit tracking for a while. That was a mistake, because I put 6 pounds back on over the course of several months.

    Finally, I figured out I wasn't drinking enough water. I've upped my water intake and I'm losing weight a lot faster now.

    Good luck!!!
  • Thank you everyone for taking the time to respond. I will calculate by BMR and TDEE and post back. I have another question in regards to water. How much water should I be drinking per day?

    I currently weight 125 lbs. How much water should I drink per day?

    The online calculators say I burn between 1800- 2000 calories per day. Some weeks I am more active than others so I choose between 1-3 and 3-5 days and those are the numbers I got. My BMR is 1325 calories.
  • janegeraldine
    janegeraldine Posts: 20 Member
    I would always default to the recommended amount of 8 8 oz glasses minimum, or more if you are exercising outside and feel you need it. I drink a lot more than the standard dosage, but I retain a lot so I drink more to make sure I have enough.

    I always drink around 16 oz when I wake up and then have probably 5-6 more 16 oz doses a day. I go to the bathroom a lot, but my urine is light yellow, so I know it's about right for me.
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    I make sure I get a minimum of 64 oz (half gallon). I usually add another 32-64 oz on top of that, depending on how hot it is, how much I'm working out, and if I feel thirsty.

    If I get less than 64oz, I get really bloated (retaining water). Too little water will also slow down my digestion, and that makes me feel ill.
  • How many calories should I take in each day in order to lose weight?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    How many calories should I take in each day in order to lose weight?

    Usual recommendation is 20% less than your TDEE. If your TDEE is between 1800-2000 then you'd be eating 1440-1600 calories a day. But remember, weight loss is all about estimates. It may take some trial and error to find your sweet spot.