phed0017 Member


  • You know, I think that is a great idea. People forget that heating and cooking food destroys valuable nutrients. Giving up cooked food is doing something that is better for your body. There are lots of ideas on youtube for eating raw. Good luck!
  • Oooops! I really screwed up today. Someone brought in a red velvet cake with icing and chocolate shavings and I ate 2 large pieces. Then because I screwed up sooo bad I went through McDonald's and got a fish sandwich and a small fries. Turns out if I had just stopped at the cake I would be Okay! Why do we do these things?…
  • Today I did 20 minutes on the treadmill with a 5 minute warm up between 2.5 and 3.0 then into a walk interval with run for 30 seconds to increase heart rate every 6 minutes. Then I did a 30 minute routine that I customized from Tracy Anderson's ideas on youtube. Yee ha!
  • Mike, thank you so much for creating this site
  • Hi Moonlight Welcome! I've been here 4 days and it has really helped motivate me. I love the support here and the calorie and fitness tools. Nice to meet you and Happy Valentine's Day:heart:
  • I know you are very disappointed and feel that you missed an opportunity you can not recreate, however, I would suggest that you look for an opportunity in the near future when your daughter is feeling better to spend time with each other as a belated valentine? Just a thought :heart:
  • Hi Lindsay. Try and concentrate on what exercises you can do without aggravating your heel spurs. Ab work, arm circles from a kneeling position. Leg kicks and leg lifts from a laying on your side position. If you have access to a heated pool this would really help you. Welcome and Happy Valentine's Day :heart:
  • My headache is gone now after 3 days!
  • Hey Lynn, I went to Applebees tonight and I had the grilled chili-lime chicken salad. It a spinach salad with lowfat chees and grilled chicken and this great lowfat lime chill dressing that I enjoyed so much! OMG I just looked it up, just 250 calories and I was satisfied! I also saw the movie, "He just not that into you"…
  • I understand, as hard as we work none of us want to have an extra slither of avocado added to the calorie count! Try to compromise in some way and pick the closest thing possible.
    in Sushi Comment by phed0017 February 2009
  • I have cut back on sugar although I don't feel like I ate it very often, I've gone from once or twice a week to none, also I do not drink caffeine so that should not be it. I'm just amazed at the support here and I am so much more motivated to do the right thing! Thank you:heart:
  • Go to the food section and click on database, type in sushi and you can find help there :):smile:
    in Sushi Comment by phed0017 February 2009
  • I have really cleaned up my diet and cut calories. I have also intensified my workout. I've had a headache now for two days, like pretty much ever since I joined! lol! Anyhoo...did anyone else have this happen. It's just a dull headache today. Possibly my body ridding itself of toxins?
  • Yes I agree with csmith. Muscle does weight more than fat and that inch is something to celebrate!
  • Don't beat yourself up. Stop, take a deep breath and start again. This could be part of the cycle. Self sabotaging behavior many times is so that you can feel ashamed because this may have been comfortable for you in the past. It is a little scary to feel good all of the time or at least most of the time. Let go of the…
  • These are great ideas guys! Anyone have any 200 calorie ideas?
  • I eat cheerios or a scrambled egg. You could have a protein shake. For lunch tuna, turkey, or veggie sandwhich with v8 juice is really good. Take celery and carrot sticks. Drink lot of water!
  • P.S. I'm not dismissing your issues. It is important to listen to your body. If your body does not want you to eat cucumbers than so be it! Do listen to this intelligence, this intuition that you have. It will guide you in the way that you need to go.
  • Try to concentrate on what you can do and build from there. I had a hard time not so long ago just moving and I was in constant pain. Every night when I think of it when I go to sleep I tell myself that I am in perfect makes me feel so much better! Good luck and Welcome!
  • Muahhhhhhhhhh!!!!
  • Oh thanks Amy!
  • Hey guys don't get too hung up on McDonalds, I really appreciate this info but would be interested in hearing about other places too :)
  • I know I am here because I need help and I am no expert, but I just do not think that you can fool mother nature without serious consequences. I am very leary of Alli. I really think that becoming more aware of my diet, eating more nutrient dense foods, raw foods, and plenty of water, sunshine, exercise, and proper sleep…
    in Alli Comment by phed0017 February 2009
  • I hear Tracy Anderson's new DVD's are really great according to Gwenyth Paltrow. I'm very interested in her work and I started tonight doing some of the exercises.
  • Anyone have some good suggestions for eating out and maybe even fast foods? I like McDonalds Side salad without dressing. It's the best fast food side salad I've found.
  • I'm interested in becoming one from an energetic, health, earth and save the planet type of viewpoint. I think you are lighter and more in tune or harmony when you eat this way. I hear the methane gas from the livestock is a problem to the planet and a huge consumption of resources. Also animals fed GM grains and corn must…
  • Look up Sweet Misery on Youtube and watch the trailer and other portions. ALL artificial sweetners Are dangerous!!!! Especially the newer ones. You'd be better off eating Sweet N' Low than Nutra Sweet Or Splenda.....just awful creations. I've attended lectures at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN and heard the horrors…