Anyone heard of burst training?
I was doing this with some success until I started getting fibro pain again. I found out I have food sensitivities. I think dairy is my worst offender. I'm listening to another free webinar here if you want to join me this Thursday. http://tinyurl.com/y9bo3la I really think I'm finally on the right track!
What do you do to ward off hunger?
What do you do on your HUNGRY days? Please give me some ideas!!!
Anyone else have insomnia?
I go through it periodically. All I have to do is take inositol and 3 mg. of DFH Melatonin. DFH stands for Designs for Health and it is the only melatonin that I have found to work seriously. Get this though, I don't take the natural supplements because I don't like to "take" anything. I want my body to work it out…
Has anyone heard of Dr. Mark Hyman's Ultra products?
He wrote Ultra Weight Loss, Ultra Metabolism, and Ultra Simple Diet. He cured his chronic fatigue. Any of this ring a bell with anyone here? I found a lot of tools and free stuff on his website last night and printed out his 7 day challenge diet. Anyone game?
Food and Nutrition Calculators
Here is one from Taco Bell: http://www.yum.com/nutrition/menu.asp?brandID_Abbr=5_TB Anyone have others we can use?
Here is another link to help determine exercise calories bur
Eating Out Ideas
Anyone have some good suggestions for eating out and maybe even fast foods? I like McDonalds Side salad without dressing. It's the best fast food side salad I've found.
Proud of my progress
Today I did 20 minutes on the treadmill with a 5 minute warm up between 2.5 and 3.0 then into a walk interval with run for 30 seconds to increase heart rate every 6 minutes. Then I did a 30 minute routine that I customized from Tracy Anderson's ideas on youtube. Yee ha!
any one else get a headache?
I have really cleaned up my diet and cut calories. I have also intensified my workout. I've had a headache now for two days, like pretty much ever since I joined! lol! Anyhoo...did anyone else have this happen. It's just a dull headache today. Possibly my body ridding itself of toxins?
What can I have?
When you are at the end of your calorie road, what do you have to satisfy yourself and make yourself FEEL as if you've had something? One trick that I know of is a glass of mineral water in which I add a tsp of CALM powder which is magnesium. It makes a fizzy lemony drink that is great for the end of the day. What else is…
I just found a trainer named Tracy Anderson on Youtube, she works with Gwenyth Paltrow and Madonna and she had some great tips for free. I'm a Youtuber but I need to be more of a doer instead of watching. I hope this is helpful. I am so grateful for this website. Thanks for all of these exercise tips.
Hi People!
I'm brand new as of today. I am really impressed with the food and exercise tools to help me gage what I have actually done each day. I hope to lose 50 lbs of fat and gain a much healthier enjoyable body. Good luck to everyone here!